Chapter 25

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"I'm back. Well, I think I am. I'm not quite myself anymore, I grew up a lot in the last couple of months. Not every 17 year old girl has gotten pregnant, had almost everything ready for giving birth and suddenly lost her baby in a car accident because her ex-boyfriend and father of the baby was driving the car on full speed while being totally drunk. Not all 17 year old girls have just gotten back into means of talking with her parents because in the past year they had forced her into abortion several times. No, not all of them, but I have. I'm certainly not the same now. I would be surprised if I was, this year has been full of changes. Sam, Sid, Mia and I are just fine, my unexpected attempt to end my life seemed to brought us together, as well as my parents. Things are fine. Not good, not great, but not bad or terrible. Just fine." I wrote in my fluffy diary.

I heard my phone emit a sound distantly. I ruffled my blankets and when I finally found my phone it displayed a text message from Sam.

Be there in 10. x -Sam & Mia

I ran over to my closet trying to decide whether to wear a black sweater or a navy blue hoodie. I took the sweater since it was the first of those two I found, and shove it on myself. I took my white uggs and ran to the mirror. My black and white striped pants looked great on combination with my sweater and the uggs. I heard Sam's car klaxon and yanked my room's door open. I hurried off to my parents room and knocked the door twice before shouting

-Sam's at the door, we're going to the movies. Love you both, bye!

I heard the door open and my mom's voice saying that they loved me too and to take care while dashing down the stairs. I opened the door and immediately the soft fall breeze hit my face. It felt a little chilly, but still warm in a way. I got into the car and the three of us started to discuss whether to watch Argo or Cloud Atlas. Once we got there and parked the car, we met Sid and finally decided to watch Argo.

-Go on and take the seats, we'll buy the pop corn and cokes. -Mia said while Sid beckoned us to enter the theatre while they stayed in line for buying the snacks. We did as they told us and left.

Both of us squeezed ourselves between the rows of seats while holding hands and sat on ours. Lifting the arm of the seat, I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Within a couple of minutes of comfortable and understanding silence I whispered

-It feel nice to go out again. -He tilted his head to get a better look of my face and flashed a kind grin at me.

-It feels nice to go out with you again. I missed this type of days, love; I really did. -He murmured into my ear sending chills through my body and causing me goose bumps. Amused, he kissed my forehead and in his sweetest voice he concluded -I hope you do know you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. 


-I love the fact that it is a real story! It's brilliant! -Said Mia excitedly while we headed off to Sam's car. We all loved the movie and started remarking all the excellent moments of it. When we got to the car Sid stopped his tracks and said

-My car's on the other block, -He looked at Mia. -Baby, are you staying at your flat? Do you want me to drop you off?

-Actually, I was looking forward to have a sleepover with Kate. -Answered Mia happily as I smiled at her. Though she hadn't asked me if she could stay I was already loving the idea. 

-Aww, isn't that cute? -Sam said to Sid. -I have an idea, Mia you go with Sid on his car and I'll be with Kate, we'll grab something to eat at The Cafe and then we'll both drop you off at Kate's. Liking the plan? -He asked now to all of us. We all nodded and did as he had told us to. I took a glance at my watch and saw it was nearly 7pm. Between the long nap I took after lunch and the movie that day had passed incredibly fast. 

After leaving Sid's car at the frat house, getting to The Cafe, eating a bunch of food and feeling like pigs, we called the day over and Sam and Sid dropped us off at my house. 

-Finally I can talk! -Mia shouted as we entered my house. In that moment, my parents came out from the kitchen and approached us.

-Hello darling! Hi Mia! -Greeted my mom in her usual, sweet tone of voice. -How are you girls? -Asked my dad gently.

-Really good, Mr. and Mrs. Taddley. Sorry for, um, you know, the shouting. -Said Mia in respond while her cheeks reddened.

-Oh, don't worry! I understand that boys, -My mom paused, she gave a little tap on my dad's shoulder. -many times make things uncomfortable for girls to talk!

-I think we better get off to the kitchen to finish our dinner love, parents tend to have the same reaction in girls. -Said dad talking to my mom. -Do you guys want something? -He asked now talking to Mia and I. I rolled my eyes at the thought of food and cursed bellow my breath.

-No, we already ate, but thanks Mr. and Mrs. Taddley. -Answered Mia while hitting my left rib cage hard with her elbow, apparently my curses had been heard by her.

-Alright! -Said my mom. They both turned their back to us and just before entering the kitchen my mom turned and said -Oh, and sweetie, you can call us Arthur and Jade. -She winked at Mia as she entered.

We got to my room and changed into pj's without a word. Once both in comfortable clothes, we sat on the couch ready to talk. Next to the couch was the window, which gave a beautiful view to the whole town, and I looked out to it mesmerized as always.

-This has always been your favorite part of the room, hasn't it? -Asked Mia, breaking the silence. -I mean, this is where you write your beautiful poems and songs, here you play guitar and listen to music and.. -She broke off by seeing my face.

-Mia, is there something you want to tell me? You seem like you could use a bit of talking. -I told her.

-Well, yeah. But I don't want you to tell Sam I told you. He does not approve it. -She anxiously answered.

-Of course I won't tell him, now spit it! -I assured her.

-Well, is that.. um, you know.. I've been talking to my parents lately. We talk nearly every day and.. Um.. remember I told you they wanted me to go visit them next summer? Well, they actually want me to visit them this winter, and I thought that I should go because, you know, they're my parents after all. -Her eyes watered instantly after finishing.

I could see why Sam didn't approve it. Mia's parents had left her nearly two years ago because she had some issues that had to do with ED's and depression. They had left to Italy to live a happy life and stranded her. The only person that actually seemed to care about her in the entire Pavertti family was Samuel Pavertti, my boyfriend and her cousin. I knew Sam practically hated her parents for leaving her and that he didn't consider them as part of his family anymore. In the pit of my stomach I could feel a weird sensation, and a voice in my head said I didn't approve it either, but I couldn't tell her that. She was so excited and happy because she seemed to have her parents back that I did not want to ruin it for her. I would have been selfish and stupid to tell her I didn't approve it either.

-That's really good! Actually, it's great Mia! -I said trying to sound as genuine as possible. She flashed a watery smile at me and mouthed "Thank you". -So what do you think, music aloud and dancing and singing like crazy or relaxing beauty treatments, getting our nails done and avocado face-masks? -I asked trying to change the topic. 

A sudden pressure seemed to lift off the atmosphere and everything seemed happier. 

-I think we should go for our typical crazy stuff! -She responded merrily as she rapidly plugged her cellphone into my IHome and Blow Me by P!nk started blasting from it. We had a night like never before, it seemed like everything was better and the problems had just brought us closer. But still, I felt that weird sensation on the pit of my stomach, and a distant voice at the back of my head repeated Do not let her go with her parents.

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