Chapter 4

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Louis' P.O.V.

Liam is okay, but worried about Niall. The others too, ofcourse. But the most about Niall. While i'm the most worried about Harry. Ugh, i want to go home. Sadly, nobody knows a way to get out of here. I walk towards the bathroom and drink some water. Then i walk to the window. I look outside. The sight is beautiful, the sun shines and a beautiful green forest reaches as far as you can see. When you look close, you can see some small rivers through the trees. ''It's beautiful.'' I say. ''What?'' Liam says. ''The sight. If we were here in other circumstances i would love it here.'' I say. ''You're right.'' He says. He comes to the window and sighs. ''Are you okay?'' I ask. ''I'm worried.'' He says. ''Me too, mate.'' I say. A loud laugh echoes through the house. We freeze. After a few minutes, nothing has happened and we relax. ''When i saw Harry she laughed like that.'' I say. ''I hope she won't hurt them.'' Liam sighs. ''I would do anything to save them.'' Liam says. ''Yeah, me too.'' I say. Suddenly a loud scream echoes through the house. Harry is outside, running away. Mystery runs after him and grabs his arm. ''Harry!'' Liam and i scream exactly at the same moment. She drags an unconsious Harry into a car and drives away. ''Harry!'' I scream as i hit the window with my fists. ''Harry!'' ''Lou, calm donw!'' I lean with my forehead against the window. The tears stream down my face. Liam hugs me. ''Shhhh, it's okay mate. He will be fine. He can take care of himself.'' He whispers. I pull away and see that he is crying. I pull him back i the hug. ''Look, is it getting dark'' I say. Liam sighs and whipes the tears away. We both lay down on the bed and whatch the darkness, illuminated by the full moon. I listen to Liam's soft snores and stare at the moon. My eyelids are getting heavier. My eyes close and i'm asleep in a few minutes.

Harry's P.O.V.

''I'm hungry.'' Niall says for the 10th time. I'm tired of it. Zayn is sleeping. I think he's still shocked because his mouth is sewn shut. But Niall is constantly complaining about him having hunger. ''Harry! I'm hungry!'' He says. ''Stop it! We are stuck in here, Louis and Liam could be dead and you only think about food? Jeez, stop complaining because i'm tired of it and you aren't getting any food, so please shut up!'' I yell angry. ''Sorry.'' He whispers. After a few minutes, i sigh. ''Sorry Nialler.'' ''It's okay, Haz.'' He says. Then we hear a loud and crazy laugh. I heard that laugh before. ''What? When?'' Niall asks. I realise that i said that out loud. ''When i was brought to Louis!'' I answer. Footsteps come and stop in front of the door. The door opens and a girl walks in. Zayn wakes up and backs away when he sees her. Niall looks at her with a scared face. She smiles at me and motions me to come over. I slowly walk to her. She reaches to grab my arm but i immediatly back away. She follows and grabs my arm. She drags me out of the room, while i try to run away. She locks the door and walks to the living room. ''Don't try to run away. I will catch you and hurt you. Got it?'' She says. I nod. ''Got it.'' No way i'm going to listen to her. As soon as i can. i'm going to escape. She turns and walks into the kitchen. I run for my life. I turn right at the end of the hallway, i see the front door. I run and try to open it. Locked, but the key is still in the keyhole. I quickly turn the key and open the door. I hear a scream coming form the living room. ''O god!'' I say and go for the run. After a few steps, someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see the girl. I scream at the top of my lungs. I see Liam and Louis looking through a window. Then everything goes black.

Niall's P.O.V.

This place is driving us crazy. First, i snap and then Harry. Who's next? She took Harry somewhere. I hope he's okay, but i think the girl is going to hurt him. I'm really hungry. ''Stop! You can't think about it!'' I whisper to myself. Zayn's mouth is still sewn shut. I think he accepted it. Maybe, No! I'm not going to bite through the ropes. That's so gross. I sigh and walk to the door. The door swings open, to my suprise. ''Zayn! Zayn, wake up!'' I yell. Zayn groans and turns around. ''Zayn! Wake up! The door is open.'' I yell. Zayn sits straight up and rubs his eyes. He stands up and walks to the hallway. He's looking for the frontdoor. ''Liam! Louis!'' I scream. ''Niall! Niall!'' I hear. Zayn points to the stairs. we run upstairs, while i constabtly scream names. ''Liam! Louis! Where are you?'' I scream. ''In here!'' They scream back. I run and crash into the door. It swings open. ''Niall! Zayn!'' They yell and hug us. ''Thank god! You're okay.'' We all say at exactly the same time. ''Where's Harry?'' I say. ''We don't know! She drove him away.'' Louis says. I jump up and run into the bathroom. I start searching for a knife or razor. The others look at what i'm doing. ''Niall, what are you doing?'' Liam asks. I don't say anything back. I just continue searching. There is nothing here to cut the ropes with. I walk out of the room, downstairs into the kitchen. the first thing i see is the fridge. we all run to it and grab some food, as i quickly eat some i start searching again for a knife. I see a small, sharpened knife on the table. I grab it and walk to Zayn. He stares at me. ''Okay, Zayn. Sit down and don't move. It will hurt even more when you start moving.'' I say trying to comfort him. He sits down and tries not to move a tiny bit. ''Niall, what are you doing?'' Liam and Louis both yell. I walk to Zayn and place the knife in the corner of his mouth. I try to cut, but i can't see the ropes, there comes blood all over his mouth. I see him trying to groan, but he can't. The blood poures out even more when i try to push the knife through the first piece of rope. He closes his eyes and let's the pain take over. A part of his mouth is shuttered to pieces, blood all over the place. Louis, and Liam turn their heads away, it looks like they are starting to vomit. I feel the knife going deeper into his mouth while he tries not to vomit either. Blood, pouring out of his mouth and nose, but i have to continue cutting his mouth open, if i stop it will hurt him even more than if i do it fast and once. Than i reach the last knot in the rope and i carefully pull it out of his mouth. ''Thank Niall.'' He whispers. ''you're welcome, mate.'' I say. We're about to eat some food, when the door is slammed shut.

Zayn's P.O.V.

Niall places the knife in the corner of my mouth and slowly starts cutting through the ropes. I feel a unbaerable pain going through my whole mouth and lips, i feel they are, well kind of, grown tigether. They stick together and it hurts so much. I feel blood pouring out of my mouth, and running up my nose. It hurts so bad, but i can't move, scream or cry, or whatever. But the pain, it's unbaerable, and he isn't even half way through the rope. This hurts more than i could ever imagine. It really feels like i could die every second, the pain only get's worse, i can't hold it. When i'm almost about to pass away, the rope is gone, and i can breath normally. ''Thanks Niall.'' I whisper. ''You're welcome.'' He says. I wanted to eat some food, when the door is slammed shut. ''No! She's back!'' I say and we all run upstairs. The frontdoor slams shut. We run into a random room and lock the door behind us. Liam and louis pull a closet in front of the door. I look around, there's a couch and sigh. ''We were so close.'' I say. ''I know, it's good to hear you talk again.'' Niall says. ''What? Can you explain why you cut his mouth?'' Liam says. ''His mouth was sewn shut.'' Niall says. ''Why?'' Louis asks. ''Because i'm the only one that remembers what had happened.'' I say. ''Do you know where we are?'' Liam asks. ''No, it was too dark to see anyting.'' I say. ''And i was unconcious. I hit my head when she was driving.'' They all sigh and sit on the couch. ''So, what do we do now/'' I ask. ''I don't know. I guess we wait untill she's gone again and search for Harry.'' Louis says. ''I agree.''  Niall and Limam say. ''But what about the food?'' I say. ''I don't know.'' Liam says. I stand up and walk through the room. There is another door. I open it and see a small bathroom. I walk to the other side of the room where a walkin-closet is hidden behind a curtain. i walk in and there's a lot of food and drinks. ''Guys, look at this.'' I say. They all come to see. ''Well, problem solved.'' Louis says. ''Now only Harry and an opportunity to escape and we're free.'' Niall says. ''Yeah, but where's Harry?'' Liam says. We all sigh. Suddenly the lights dim and the television switches on. ''Wha- who-? Huh?'' I shutter., unable to finish. We walk to the couch and watch the television. There's a room, with a saw attached to a tabble. On the table lays a person, chained.

Liam's P.O.V.

I look at the television. It looks like a horror movie, but i think it's real. I don't know who it is, maybe i can recognise him. We almost escaped, but she had to come back before we could get out of here. ''Guys, is this a movie? Because it looks real.'' Niall says, scared. ''I-i think it's real.'' I say. I see the tears in his eyes and embrace him in a hug. ''Does anyone know that guy? He looks familiar.'' Louis says. ''I don't know him.'' Zayn says. ''I think i've seen him, but i don't recognise him.'' I say. ''He must be famous, there are screaming girls everywhere.'' Niall says. I walk to the bathroom and drink some water. Louis comes in and starts drinking too. ''You know, red hair suits you.'' I say. ''Jup, but i can't style it.'' He says. I smile as we walk together back to the couch, where Niall and Zayn are eating popcorn. ''We pretend like this is just a horror movie.'''Zayn saya. I don't think that's a good idea. I'm almost sure i know that guy. ''Guys, move it. I want a place to sit.'' I say. They groan and move to make space. I sit down and eat some popcorn. we stare and wait for something -i don't know what- to happen. ''This is a bad horror movie.'' Louis says. ''Shut up Lou! We don't know if it's a horror movie yet.'' I say. The screaming gets louder and the guy looks really scared. But there is still nothing happening. Then a masked face apperas on the flikkering screen. we scream. ''I hope that you guys said goodbey to your friend. Because he might not survive this challenge.'' The masked stranger says. I'm confused, just like the others. I quickly think. Who could the masked stranger mean? I look at the guy again and suddenly recognise him. 'HARRY!' I scream.

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