The illuminated Darkness

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Chapter 1

Louis' P.O.V.

I feel a bad headache. While i try to open my eyes, i feel a cold metal around my wrists and sweat on my palms. I lift my head, the only part of my body i could move, to see the rest of my body chained. In the corner hung a small speaker. I could see it, because that part of the room is illuminated. Out of the dark comes a weird noise and suddenly a row of fluorescent lamps shine a bright light. I close my eyes, because the lights hurt so bad. I can't see anything. Normally i did my hair right now. I feel it's messy, but the handcuffs won't let me fix my hair. My eyes flutter open once again. The lights seem less brighter then they were before. I try to look around and i realise that I'm alone. ''Hello?'' my voice sounds a bit shaky. I take a deep breath and try again. ''Hello? Is there anyone here?'' I hear no answer. ''Hey! Can someone please help me?!'' I yell as loud as i can. Still no answer. I start to panic a little. Suddenly, a loud bang sounds. I scream, uot of fear. Another scream filled my ears. A scream of fear and pain. A scream that sounds familiar. A second scream follows. This time i recognise it. ''Hazza!!'' I scream at the top of my lungs. ''Hazza!'' Something that sounds like ''Lou! Help me!'' return as an answer to my screaming. I wanted to jump up, run to Harry and help him. But i couldn't, because i was still chained. The screaming stopped. I try to remember what had happened last night, but my memories are covered in mist. The door banged open and i screamed. Someone stood there, but i couldn't see who it was. The person pushed something through the door and laughed crazily. The door was closed and locked again, footsteps faded away. I look at what was pushed in the room. Then it moved. It took a while to see what it was, but then i recognise the face. Harry, my best friend, covered in blood.

Harry's P.O.V.

I wake up in a dark room. My head feels terrible. I sit up, my arm is covered with blood. I scream as i see it. Oke, calm down. It's just a little bit of blood. I sy to myself. I stand up and walk towards the door. I open it, slowly. As i look to my right i see the stairs. I slowly walk down the stairs and into the living room. Suddenly, two arms wrap around my chest and pull me bak. I struggle, trying to get away. I'm lifted and throwed on the couch. I get up and almost immediatly get a punch in my stomach. I feel someone lifting me and throws me into a wall. I scream, out of fear and pain. Something hits me and I scream again. ''Hazza!'' I hear someone screaming. ''Hazza!'' I know it's louis. ''Lou! Help me!'' I yell back. Suddenly, aknife is stabbed in my arm and in my legs. My whole body is covered in blood. Someone drags me to a door, pushes me through it and laughed crazily. I try to move and then i see Louis laying chained on the ground. ''Lou! THank god you're okay!'' i say. ''Hazza! You're okay? I wanted to help you, but i couldn't because of the handcuffs!'' Louis says. ''It's allright! I'm glad to see you.'' i reply. I look at his hair and giggle. ''Why are you laughing?' Louis asks. ''Your hair. It's messy and it's red!!'' I answer. ''RED?!? HOW? WHAT?!? Why is my hair RED?!?'' Louis screams. ''Calm down! I don't know why it's red' i say. Louis takes a deep breath. ''Do you think my hair will stay red forever?'' Louis asks, a bit scared. Suddenly i realise something. ''Wait! Is my hair red too?!'' I ask scared. ''No Haz, it's just messy and curly.'' Louis says. I breath out. ''Good.'' ''Do you remember what happened last night?'' louis asks. ''No, my memories are covered in mist.'' I say. ''Yeah mine too.'' He says. ''Damit'' I say. Then we hear a loud cracking noise from above us. We both look up. Something falls down, from the ceiling. A human. We recognise him. I'm sure i know him. I see Louis dead in the eyes and we scream immediatly at the same moment ''Naill!''

Niall's P.O.V.

I feel an unbearable pain in my wrists and ankles. Something cuts in my fleh. As i try to open my eyes, a bright light slips through my eyelids. I open my eyes, but the light is too bright. I immediatly close them again. I hear someone making strange noises underneath my... Wait, what?! Underneath! Why am i hanging here? I'm chained to the ceiling. Now i know why me (Irish :) wrists and ankles are hurting. Metal chains are keeping me hanging on an old rothing ceiling. Underneath me are two men, not very old i think, but as far as i can remember i don't know them at all. One has red hair and the other one has brown curly hair. Maybe the red-haired one is Ed. My old friend Ed Sheeran. These thoughts go through my head, while i try to break free. I want to fall in someones soft, strong arms. I try to scream but my throat hurts and my voice refuses to make any sound at all. I still don't recognise the curly-haired men. Well, maybe i know him, but i don't recognise him right now. One of my ankles is free. My right wrist follows. A loud cracking noise sounds through the room. ''Uh oh'' i whisper. Then i fall down and hit the hard ground. I slowly move, everything hurts. ''Niall! You're okay?!?'' A familiar voice asks. I look up and finally recognise the men. ''Harry, Louis! You're okay!' I say, happy. They smile too. ''Louis, why is your hair red?' I ask. ''I don't know! We don't know what happened last night. Our memories are covered in mist.'' Louis says. ''Yeah. i don't remember anything'' i reply. ''Where are Liam and Zayn? Are they in here too?'' ''No, we don't know where they are. Whe can't search them'' Harry answers. ''What! Why not?'' ''We're locked in here. The door won't open.' Louis explains. A loud bang sounds through the house, again. The three of us scream out of fear. We can only hope that Liam and Zayn are safe and okay.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I try to breath normally, but my mouth won´t let me. I can´t even open my mouth. Suddelny, my /euh/ the door banged open. I look at the door, but it´s too dark to see what or who stands there. I stand up and walk hesitaantly to the door. Someone grabs both my wrists. I try to scream, but my mouth won´t open. Someone pulls me downstairs. I almost fall down the stairs, but the person in front of me catches me before i hit the floor. I´m pushed on the couch, and my wrists are free again. I stand up, but i´m pulled down immediatly. ´´Don´t walk away.´´ A voice whispers. I jump up and try to scream again. Two arms wrap around my chest, pulling me back on the couch. I try to scream once again. ''Shh, shh. Don´t try to scream Zayn.´´ the voice whispers again. I struggle to get free, but the arms are stronger. ´´Shhh, relax Zayn. Relax´´ the voice whispers once again. I try to relax a bit, but it´s hard, because i´m really frightened. I wantet to scream for help, but my mouthstill won´t open. Suddenly, horrible pain stings through my arm. Blood poured down my arms. The person drags me through the hallway and stops in front of a door. The person opens the door, pushes me through it, locks it and walks away. I see Liam, but i don´t see anyone else. I sit down, thinking of last night. I remember everything of it, every detail. My arm hurts and looks really bad. I still can´t opern my mouth. I feel really tired, so i try to get as comfotable as possible on the cold hard ground. I stare at the ceiling, wondering what´s wrong with my mouth. I know Liam is okay, because he´s here, but i don´t know about the others. I hope they´re okay too. After a while, I slowly drift off to sleep.

Liam´s P.O.V.

It´s dark. Why is it dark! I mean, it´s like ten o´clock in the morning. The sun should shine, right? I know when my eyes are open, because the darkness is little less when my eyes are open. I'm alone here. I'm sure the others are here somewhere, but not in this room. My memories of last night are covered in mist. The last thing i remember is our limoride. After that, the only thing i can remember is mist. I'm worried about the others, they must be really scared. I'm scared too, but i'm worried sick about the others. I stand up and walk to the door. Locked! ''Damit!'' I whisper. I try to break open the door, but nothing works. I hear a loud bang and three people scream. Louis, Harry and Niall. 'LADS!' I scream. 'Lou! Haz! Niall!' the don't answer. Are they dead? No, they can't be dead. ''Guys! ARE YOU OKAY!?! Answer me please!'' I scream at the top of my lungs. I try to open the door again, nothing. I scream. I think i'm going crazy, but i don't care. My friends are dead. I knock and kick against the wall. It hurtsm but i don't feel it. Then i break down. I fall on the ground and cry me eyes uot. I can't stop crying and screaming. Mu knuckles are bleeding, but i don't pay any attention to it. I stand up, tears streaming down my face. I walk slowly to the door. Suddenly, the door bangs open. I fly through the air and crash into the wall. The darkness takes over before i can see what's happening.

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