Chapter 3

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Louis' P.O.V.

I hate it here. I'm so freaking bored. There's nothing to do. I can talk to Harry and Niall, but after a while it gets boring, you know. We can only talk, walk, sit, lay and move a little bit. We don't even have something to eat. I'm not really hungry, i'm just thirsty and scared. At least Harry is starting to feel better. I hope we can get out of this room soon. I want to see something else than this empty room. I sigh. ''What's the matter, Lou?'' Harry asks. ''I'm freaking bored Haz. That's the matter.'' I say. ''I wish we could see something else than this room.'' Niall says. I stand up and walk towards the door.. I kick against it. ''What the hell?! Louis!'' Harry says. ''Haz, he's trying to break open the door.'' Niall says. They both stand up and help me to damage the door. Well, try to. After a few seconds the door cracks a little. I take a few steps back, run and crash into the door. It finally breaqks and we run out of the room. Before we can walk away, we see a girl with a huge sharp knife in her hands. ''You should not have done that.'' She says with a terrifying laugh in her deep and surprisingly voice. She jumps forward and kicks Niall in his weak spot. Niall falls on the ground and she grabs Harry and holds the knife against his throat. "No, leave them alone!" i yell with confidence. "Don't hurt them!" She lets go of Harry and grabs my wrists. She drags me upstairs and takes me to a bedroom. "You sacrifised yourself for your friends. Very brave." she says. Ok, she is officially scaring me. Why? I don't know. She leaves me alone and locks the door. I search for a way out, but the window is locked. "Damit!" I yell. I look to my right and see the bathroom. I walk to the mirror and look at  myself. I look horrible. I wash my hand and my face and try to fix my hair once again. It is still red, but it looks good on me. I roll my eyes and giggle. We are kidnapped and I am thinking about my hair. I walk back to the bed. I lay down and fall asleep.

Harry's P.OV.

He sacrified himself. Louis saved me. I hope she doesn't hurt him. ''He, Niall. Are you okay?'' I asks. She hit him where guys don't want to be hit. "Ow, she kicked me really hard." he says. I hug him and hear footsteps. I look up and there she is. "Where is he! What did you do to him?!" i yell. "Nothing, he is fine" she says. "I swear if you hurt him, i will make sure that you will regret it." i say. She smiles and grabs my wrist. I stand up. "Don't touch me.'' I say. Niall stands up and leans on my shoulders. She leads us to a door and into a room. She walks away and locks the door. Niall sits down and i look around. This room is almost the same as the other room. I scream, frustrated, and hit the wall. I turn around and see that Niall is almost crying. As I sit down, next to him, I wrap my arms around him. He hugs back and starts crying. "Hey, it's okay. We are safe now." i say, trying to comfort him. "I'm scared, Hazza. Scared of her. And I'm also worried sick about Liam." he says, crying. "I know how you feel. I'm worried about the others too." I say. He keeps crying for a few minutes. Then he sits straight up and looks at me. "Thanks, Haz." he says. "You are welcome." i reply. We both lean against the wall, after ten minutes I hear footsteps. I stand up and niall hides in the shadows in the corner. Suddenly, Zayn stands in front of me. He looks happy, but doesn't say a single word. "Zayn!" i say and hug him. Niall does the same. He smiles, but i can see that it hurts. "Hey, mate, are you okay? You seem hurt." Niall says. He nods. I geuss that he is feeling fine. But there is something wrong. He isn't talking. Not that he talks that much, but he can say something. I yawn. "Haz, you should sleep. You look tired." Niall says. "You are right." I yawn again. "Night, Nialler, night Zayn." I close my eyes and fall asleep

Niall's P.O.V.

I can't believe that Louis saved us. He could be dead by now. But we would know when he is dead, right? Sigh, i'm bored. Zayn is working on my nerves. He keeps staring at me, but he doesn't say anythins at all. Harry is sleeping. He's worried about Louis, i can see it in his eyes. I'm worried about Liam. At least we know Zayn is okay. I wish we had food. Just when i think this my stomach groals loudly. Zaym looks at me. ''What!'' I snap. ''Stop staring!'' He looks at me again. ''Stop it!'' I yell. ''Huh?'' ''Niall what's the matter?'' Harry says with a deep raw sleepy voice. ''Zayn is driving me crazy, he won't stop staring.'' I say. Zayn stands up and falls on the ground. He sits up and looks at me again. ''Aaaah!'' I yell, frustrated. Anger takes over. I run towards Zayn and start beating him. He does nothing, he doesn't even scream. Deep inside i know i'm not doing the right thing. But i don't care right now. I think i'm going totallyt insane. ''Niall, calm down.'' Harry says while he tries to pull me back. ''Stop it!'' I step back while i feel my hands are hurting me so extremely bad. Zayn is bleeding. What have i done? ''I'm so sorry i dind't know what i was doing!'' I tried to apologyse. ''It's okay, just don't ever do that again.'' Harry says.  I sit next to zayn, while i'm repeating my apologyses. I look at his mouth, then suddenly i see his mouth is sewn shut. ''Is that what i think it is? Haz, look at his mouth" I say. Harry comes over and looks at Zayns lips. "What the hell is that?" Harry says. "How are we going to...?" "I don't know" i say before he is finished. Zayn is looking at us as if we are out of our minds. "That's why he couldn't talk." I say. Zayn is still staring at us. "We can bite through the ropes" Harry suggests. That is disgusting. But i geuss it is the only way. "Zayn, we know why you can't talk or open you mouth." i say. He looks at me. "You mouth is- euh- your lips are- eh- tied together" i say. He looks at him with horror written over his face.

Zayn's P.O.V.

''Your mouth is -euh- your lips are -euh- tied together.'' Niall says. I look at him with horror written on my face. So my mouth was forced to stay shut. Because i'm the only one that remembers what had happened. So i couldn't tell them what happened. If i ever get the one who did thid to me, i'm going to that person right away. Nobody touches my pretty face. Wait, how are they going to 'set my lips free'? Harry suggested that they could bite through the strings. But that's just gross. I know Niall thinks the same about that. He is really sorry for beating me, i can clearly see it. I've never seen him so angry before. I guess this whole situation is driving him crazy. I watch them while they are falling asleep, but i can't sleep yet.

I sit in the limo, playing with my phone. The others will come soon. For now, i'm just bored. We just got back from Ghana a few weeks ago. After that, Louis decided to paint his hair red for Rednose Day. I smile. Sometimes he's so immature. He can make us all smile. That's what i like most about him. I put my phone away and see Liam and Niall coming in the limo. They step in and we leave to pick Harry and Louis up.

Ugh, those flashbacks are driving me crazy. They make me so tired. I can't sleep anymore. I lay on my back and let the darkness take over.

Liam's P.O.V.

I wake up. The sun shines through the window. How long did i sleep? I stand up and walk into the bathroom. I throw water in my face, wash my hands and drink some water. I walk out of the bathroom and see a sleeping figure in the bed. It has red hair. I recognise it as Louis'. I sit down on the end of the bed, worrrying about Niall. My wound hurts. I walk back to the bathroom, and flush the blood of my arm. It feels immediatly better. I walk back to the bed and see that Louis isa awake. He looks at me and smiles. ''Liam! You're okay!'' He says while hugging me. ''Yeah, how are the others?'' I ask. ''Well, me and Haz are fine, but i don't know about Zayn.'' He says. ''Zayn was fine when i left him. What about Niall?'' I ask, worried. ''Well, the girl kicked Niall in his week spot and i said that she had to take me instead of Haz and Niall.'' He says. ''So you met Mystery.'' I say. ''Who's mystery?'' Louis asks. ''I decided to call her that because non of us know who she is.'' I reply. ''Okay, she is scaring me.'' Louis says. ''She is not going to get away with thid.'' I say. I look at his hair, confused. ''Why is your hair red?'' I ask. ''I don't know. I can't remember the night of the kidnapping or the days before.'' He says. ''Me neither'' I say. ''But she likes us a lot and wanted us to notice her.'' ''How do you know that?'' he asks. ''She told me before i fell asleep. She's dangerous lou!'' I say. ''I'm scared of what's going to happen.'' He says. ''Me too, i know the others feel the same.'' I say. ''We have to find the others.'' ''We can't Liam, the door and window are both locked and there's nothing to break the windows with.'' Louis says. ''I guess we should sleep and maybe we can help them tomorrow.'' WE both lay under the blankets and fall asleep.

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