The Fourth Champion

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Harry P.O.V.
What. Why can't I just have a god damn normal year? Hermione and Ginny shoved me forward and I walked toward the door. The Hall seemed to go on forever. I could hear whispering and feel all the stares and fingers pointing at me. I didn't turn around, but I couldn't help but notice the disappointed looks from Hagrid. I finally got to the door and it creaked as I eased it open. I stepped inside and Fleur said,
"Do zey have a mezzage?"
I didn't know how to explain, but he didn't have to because Dumbledore and the others professors came rushing in.
"Harry did you put your name in the Goblet?" Dumbledore said calmly
(people in the HP fandom will understand this😂)
"No sir! I couldn't have. I swear!"
"Did you have an older student put it in for you?"
I shook my head vigorously.
"Albus, it takes immense power to corrupt the Goblet. And if I remember Igor knows all about power from-"
"Alastor! Please! Barty?"
Everyone turned to Barty Crouch as he spoke in a soft tune.
"Their are no exceptions. The boy must play. There is no going back."
"Dumbledore! If you get two champions then I get to have another student enter! It is only fair, since you drew the age line." Igor argued.
"Igor is right! Ve are entitled to anozzer champion." Maxime chimed in.
"It wasn't Dumbledore's fault! And I don't know why any of you are complaining! It's Harry who has to compete against his will and we haven't heard a peep out of him!" McGonagall exclaimed.
"Well, on with the meeting then. Welcome Harry, the Fourth Champion. The first task is designed to test your daring," he told Harry, Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor, "so we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard...very important...
     "The first task will take place on November the twenty fourth, in front of a panel of judges.
     "The champions are not permitted to ask for or accept help of any kind from their teachers to complete the tasks in the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed only with their wands. They will receive information about the second task when the first is over. Owing to the demanding and time consuming nature of the tournament, the champions are exempted from end-of-year test."
     Mr. Crouch them said he had to leave for the Ministry and the meeting was dismissed. I walked back to the common room numbly.
     "Hey Harry!"
    I turned around and saw Cedric walking towards him.
      "How did you put your name in?" He asked.
     "I didn't." I was so frustrated as Cedric gave him a look of disbelief and walked away.
     When I got back the common room erupted into cheers. I stared at everyone.
     "Three cheers for the Gryffindor Champion!!" Fred shouted. Why could the twins never stay quiet. First it was the Heir of Slytherin thing and now this?
     I was too worn to even think about this. I started to go toward his dorm, but several hands pulled him back. I saw Ginny hit Fred and then George and finally Lee. They all smiled and laughed and she turned her back and George said something and she shot a spell over her shoulder. And hit George in the eye.
    "Nice shot Weasley!" Lee shouted after her.
     "**** off Jordan!" She yelled.
She spotted me and ran towards me. She hugged me and said,
"I had no bloody idea they were going to do this."
I laughed.
"That's ok. I'm just tired. And no one seems to believe that I didn't put my name in!!"
"I believe you, Harry." Harry turned around to see Neville.
"Thanks Neville!" I beamed at him.
"Well, I don't," I looked over Neville's shoulder to see Ron.
"Why didn't you tell any of us how to enter? Wanted to keep the fame and glory to yourself? Ginny, you should be just as mad!" Ron looked like he was going to saw something else, but Leo came up behind Ron, tapped him on the shoulder and then punched him square in the face.
"Leo Valdez, Super bad boy supreme at your service." Leo held out his hand to Ron. Ron didn't except his hand and said,
"Detention for a week."
"I'm cool with that. Trust me, I've gotten worse for doing worse." Leo replied. Ron got up and he brushed past Ginny and said,
"Some sister you are." He then walked away. Ginny whispered,
"Bates Mocos." And pointed her wand over her shoulder. Ron fell over with little winged figures attacking his face.
"Good punch." Neville said with impress obvious in his voice. He walked away and I was left with Ginny and Leo. Percy walked up with Annabeth.
"Why is she here?" Ginny asked with venom in her voice. Ginny was one to hold onto grudges.
"I'm here to apologize. I had no business eves dropping like that. I'm sorry." Annabeth said.
"I accept your apology." Said Hermione who appeared at Ginny's shoulder. People have to stop doing that!
"Thank you!" Annabeth said. Obvious relief in her voice. Ginny seemed to relax too.
"Well now that you know the password, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell the others." Percy said meaning the exchange students.
"Yeah I guess. Just don't use it too much." Ginny said. I rubbed my eyes.
"Go ahead. If anyone tries to stop you then they'll have to go through me." Ginny added in a whisper. I nodded and slipped toward the stairs. Lee put a hand on my shoulder and suddenly Ginny was there blocking him. I rushed upstairs and got in bed not bothering to get in my pajamas. The dorm was, thankfully, empty and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

A/N. My stupid italics are not working so I will be using bold for anything taken out of the book, author notes and for the parts that are supposed to be italicized.

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