Meeting The Exchange Students

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Ginny P.O.V.
I sat with Harry and Hermione in my room talking about Sirius Black. We knew he was good, but we were trying to find out how to prove him non-guilty. I suddenly had a very sick feeling in my stomach and told them what I was thinking. They were bickering about trying to find Peter.
"Guys. Guys. Peter escaped right? And he also sold out Harry's parents to Voldemort, right?" Harry and Hermione both nodded their heads.
"What if Peter helps Voldemort rise to power again." I say the last part in a whisper. Harry looks like he is going to be sick and rushes off to the bathroom. I felt sick and Hermione didn't look much better. I regained my posture and went to check on Harry. I knocked on the bathroom door and I heard his faint voice say,
"Come in."
I walked in and gave Harry a hug.
"Come on Harry. Mum wants us."
I gave his arm a little tug. He got up and we went downstairs.
"Ok you lot, we are hosting American exchange students. They will be here in one hour. Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron, you four will be going with your father." Mrs. Weasley stated when all of them got downstairs.
Percy scoffed and walked back upstairs. He didn't really care, I could tell. I was excited and I could tell the others were, too. Fred and George asked if they could go, but Mrs. Weasley shot them down fast saying they would disrupt all the muggles.
"Ok go get in the car and leave for the exchange students."
Fred and George tried rushing out with everyone, but Mrs. Weasley pulled them away by the ears. I walked out and saw a ministry car. It was gigantic inside. Their were four rows, including the front, that could hold four people. I got in next to Hermione and Harry got in next to me. Ron climbed in last and slammed the door shut. We rode to the airport in London. Dad was mesmerized and stood at the entrance staring inside. It took Ron, Harry and I to get dad inside. Dad got over his shock and dug out a piece of paper that said,
'The Seven'
I didn't know what it meant, but no less than five minutes of standing there seven teenagers about our age stood in front of us. They walked up and they asked if we were the Wizards.
"Yes, you're the exchange student right?" I asked.
"Yes." The blond one responded. She wore an orange tee shirt and jean shorts. She was holding hand with a kid about Harry's height. He looked almost exactly like Harry except he didn't wear glasses. A girl with very curly hair and gold eyes held hands with a very buff Asian man. A girl with choppy brown hair tied up with feathers held hands with a very tall boy with blond hair. The girl had mesmerizing eyes that changed colors and the boy had bright blue eyes. A scrawny boy with messy chestnut hair and brown eyes. He radiated heat. These teenagers radiated power and it bothered me way more than it should have. I mean, people radiate power all the time. Blondie introduced everyone.
"I'm Annabeth, that's Percy," She pointed to the boy that looked like Harry,
"That's Hazel and Frank," Annabeth pointed to the girl with curly and the buff guy.
"Piper and Jason," She pointed to the girl with the choppy hair and the boy with blond hair.
"And last but not least, Leo" She pointed to the only kid that wasn't holding hands with someone. I introduced everyone and Harry looked very worried when I mentioned his last name. They didn't seem fazed and I could hear Harry sigh in relief. I giggled and looked at him. He made a funny face and I laughed harder. I made a face back and Hermione cracked up this time. We walked out to the car with the exchange students trunks. We got in and they filed in behind us. The scrawny one, Leo I think, kept kicking Ron's seat. Ron had a very angry look on his face and I was too busy laughing to notice him start to slip his wand out of his sleeve. He was a fifth year and a prefect, but he still wasn't allowed to use magic outside of school for two more years. Ron pulled out his wand and started to mutter a spell, but Hermione, who was sitting next to him, grabbed his wand and passed it to me. I was sitting the furthest from Ron and I put his wand up my sleeve. Ron yelled at me to give it back, but I had already struck up a conversation with Piper about their school. These exchange students seemed okay to me.

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