Chapter Ten

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So this chapter is the same day as chapter nine but starting at the begining of the day in Miras POV...if that makes any sence at all hahaha

This was a bit of an expiriment so tell me what you think :)

Thanx A Million:)



Chapter Ten


Shivering, I pulled my thin hood closer to my face and dropped my eyes, entering the large expensive looking school.

Snickers and insults could be heard aimed at me as I slinked through the crowded hallways silently. No matter how hard I tried I could never quite figure out how to just be invisible; to go unnoticed by everyone. I was always the target of cruel words and harsh treatment.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books, quickly double checking that all my homework was complete, before hurrying off to class, making sure I wasn't late.

As I entered English the room instantly went silent. I shrunk back into the wall and skittered to an empty seat in the back, sinking down and pulling my hood even tighter around my face.

"Wow, that chick is such a loner, I heard that her face is covered in warts and thats why she always wears that hood." I heard one of the fake blondes whisper loudly to one of her friends, causing the whole class to burst into loud laughter. Unmoving, I simply stared at my desk being careful not to react, knowing that's what they wanted.

Happyness filled me when the teacher finally ambled into the classroom, causing the class to fall silent, all of the rude whispers stopping immediately.

Mr. Nawling strolled up to the front of the class, wearing his trademark grimace, imposing fear into every one of his students except me. I was a good student and had never done anything to anger him, giving him no reason to dislike me and I no reason to dislike him. I could also tell just by looking at him that underneath all the threats and punishment he had a big heart that would come out when it really mattered.

"Now, I'm assuming that, for your own good, you all completed the three pages of homework I assigned you last night?" He boomed, radiating authority.

I saw some kids in the front shrink back and others faces filled with fear, I simply pulled out my completed homework and placed it on my desk.

He walked around collecting the assignments, doing a quick look over of each one to make sure that no one had cheated and that all of the work was done properly; assigning detentions and giving glares to those stupid enough not to do their homework. He got to me and picked up my pages, eyes scanning the sheets.

"WELL done Mira! This is the best one yet." he said loudly, making half of the silent class jump about a mile high, I dropped my head and smiled at how pathetic they all were.

"Thank you sir," I answered quietly and respectfully, not looking up. He patted my arm, causing me to wince when he hit a healing bruise.

He strolled back up to the front of the classroom and began his lesson.


I made my way to where I ate my lunch everyday slowly; my eyes glued to the floor, my hood pulled securely over my face, like it always had been and always would be. I never took my hood off at school, not for a second, always wearing the same large baggy sweater and a pair of sweat pants, for fear of what people would think if they really could see me.

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