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[Jacob Perez] 6:17

Nervously I knocked on the door. Before that even happened I thought over and over about how this school year can hopelessly go wrong.

The door opened. It creaked loudly as a African woman open the door. She was beautiful, but old. I greeted her with a polite smile as she moved to the side and allowed me to walk into the room.

"This is Jacob" she introduced myself to another student which so happened to be an handsome man.

"Hey" I waved and flashed a friendly smile .

He got up from the royal blue chair that sat in front of Ms.Phillips desk. He was about 4 inches taller than me, he had curly hair but it was short with blond tips. It look alright.

"Hello" he replied.

"Jacob, we don't have your schedule ready so I was wondering if you could just walk around the school or something while we get it together." I guess I didn't have a choice.

"Yeah, sure" I sighed to myself. This is just gonna be the greatest day of my whole life.

"Chresanto, we're gonna work on this another time. Come in tomorrow?"

"Yup" ...His name is Chresanto? "Imma get out of here" he finished

Gladly escorting him out was Ms.phillps " I am going to be watching you" she laughed as he snickered


"Well Jacob?" She held the door open as a watched him leave and turn right into the hallway.

"You want me to leave?" I asked. She smiled and I guess I had to make a decision to go left or right.

Right or left
Right or left
Right, following in his footsteps

He went to a locker, I'm not sure if it was his but he pulled out a duffle bag. The lights where dimmed since we were at least an hour early. I hid behind a recycling bottle collected that was shaped like a soda bottle with a hole at the top. Anywayyss he grabbed the duffle bag and threw it onto his shoulder and slammed the locker shut.

He turned around and went down a hallway. I crept around a wall while watching his shadow through the dark hallway. He turned left and I rushed down the hallway. It was short and looked like the back of a stage and the only door in the hallway had a reflected window. Acting Class. I turned right just as he did. He wasn't in eye sight and I was alone in the dark hallway tripping on my imagination.

Keep going
Keep going
Just keep going.

I slowly came to the light as I heard a door open. I hurried and walked up another flight of 8 steps. Turning my head to the only light in the hallway was a door that was still closing. Down 5 steps at the bottom of 2 18 flights of stairs. A door.


I walked to the door and watched his body walk into another part of school. He opened the cafeteria door and I open the door once he was inside. I ran across a small parking lot, it wasn't as big as the one on the side of the school. I opened the door which lead to another door. I opened it and there was the cafe, but he wasn't in there. Across from the door I just walked through was another door.


I went through the door and a hallway came to sight. Gym doors came to sight also. I opened the door peeking through was him.

He turned his head slightly and I closed the door. I waited 15 seconds before opening it halfway peeking my head through. The door screeched and his eyes met mine. He smirked and I closed the door. He was sitting in a chair with working gloves on. Maybe weight lifting gloves.

I opened the door and the door again made noises but he didn't look, I slipped in and secretly watched him and looked around the gym. Big was all I can think of. He lifted 250. I watched as he laid back on the cushioned bench as every time he lifted up his shirt raised allowing my eyes to gaze along his v-line. Tiny hairs came from out of his pants and flowed up like a peek to his belly button. His muscles bulged as he lifted again.


He soon finished lifting as he got up and say on the chair he was once on. He took a break drinking out of a bottle of water letting some drip from his mouth. He took off his shirt.

Damn. I wish I could look like that.

His tattoo was cool I guess. He stood up and walked by the boxing bags. His body was melting like ice as he punched the hanging bag. I moved closer into a seat on the side of the bleachers. His body flexed with each punch, swinging the bag at least two feet away with the punches he threw. He didn't stop. He kept going, and going. Faster as his jaws clenched. It seemed like he made the whole gym hot, and wet.... Or maybe it was just me and my tight jeans.

Once he stopped he grabbed the punching bag and rested his sweating body.  He look around the gym and spotted the clock.

"Aye Jacob" he called still looking at the clock, almost freighting me.How'd he know I was here? "People are about to start coming, so go meet some new people instead of staring me down" he chuckled.

" u-um" choking on my words.

" you alright?" He looked at me as he took off his gloves and threw them walking closer to me. I got up.

Don't blow this.
Don't act stupid Jacob.
You got this Jacob.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Sorry for watching you if I made you uncomfortable, I didn't know where to go."  I said making myself embarrassed for admitting I watched him, a boy.

" so you followed me?" His voice was raspy. He's two feet away from me maybe closer with his shirt still off.

I'm just basically setting myself up for failure.

"Yeah" I admitted

"Well, I'm guessing your not from here?" Asking me as if he already knew.

"No,I'm not. My mom is though. We moved here because of some family issues. We should be gone by next school year." I spoke the  truth, telling what I couldn't hold inside to a stranger.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" He asked as we began to walk back over to the chair he was once sitting at to get his things.

" I don't know if I can tell you, it's noting against you its just that I get emotional talking about it" Finishing my sentence before he bent down to grab his duffle bag.

"Damn it must be hard on ya since you had to come all the way over here" his lips moved with each word he said perfectly. He was tossing he's sweat jacket from one hand to the other before putting it on.

Sweat was dripping down his abs, going over his belly button and disappearing into his pants.

"Yeah..." I gazed off and stared at his body, secretly dreaming about him in my imagination while he put his jacket over his head.

" where you from kid?" Calling me by a common nick name.

" Flordia" I stated.

"Oh, that's cool" he said to just respond to my statement.


We were now walking in silence, to the cafeteria? He opened the door to a tented room with lockers so I'm guessing my guess was wrong. Letting me in first and the door slamming behind him I took in my surroundings before he was walking before me. I trailed behind he as he took off his hoodie again. I was facing his back as he continued to walk. His muscles flexed under his caramel skin.

"I can feel you watching me" he began turning around flashing me a sexy grin. " do you wanna just stare at me or you wanna talk?" Focusing his eyes on mine but mine where watching his hands unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants.

The School Dealer {Royce}Where stories live. Discover now