The School Dealer

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[Jacob Perez]

I never really looked at girls and boys the same. I always found boys more attractive. Don't get me wrong, girls are still beautiful. But it's the way they acted. It was the way they presented themselves. Maybe the reason why I didn't like girls as much as boys because of their second pair of lips. The way it leaked out blood and discharge. or maybe it was their attitude they caught when I said 'is there suppose to be a red spot on your butt? is it some kind of new fashion I didn't hear about?' both ways, it was probably because of their pussy. that was the most simplest way I could say it. I don't think I'm fully gay. I'm just alittle bi-sexual. that's all. I convinced myself. I couldn't consider being fully gay if I've never had a boyfriend, but I also couldn't say I was fully straight without having a girlfriend.

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