Chapter 2: This is My Life

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Blaze’s POV

“You have your first client already?!” Jessica, one of my many annoying coworkers, squealed. It took all I had not to wince and cover my ears. I had only been working for a week, mainly setting up my room for clients, and she’s already annoying me. Supposedly it’s rare to get a client in your first week so Jessica felt the need to talk to me. I simply nod to whatever she was talking about and give her a fake smile, not that she could tell.

 I pretend to look busy, shuffling papers around. “Do you know who it is?” She asks and I shake my head, causing my red head to go in front of my face. “Aw, you’re so adorable. You said you were 23? You look like you’re 16” She said giving me one of those painfully bright smiles. I had to force myself not to roll my eyes. I quickly stood up and went to the mini kitchen making myself mocha.

I take a sip and smile as my body slowly calms down, I don’t know why, but it calms me. “Could you do me a favor and ask who he is?” I asked looking her in the eye. She brightened up when I said that. “Of course” she replied, making her way to our boss’s office. I take a deep breath before going to my room and finishing setting up.

                I have to admit, I’m a little curious of two things. One; why do I have a client so early? Two; who is he? I shrug it off and walk back to the main room to get another mocha. Just as I’m about to take the first sip of my drink Jessica comes up to me.

“Omigosh! I’ve always wanted a gay friend, but I guess bisexual will have to do” She screeched, giving me a wink before walking away. “Wait!” I called after her, causing her to turn around. “How do you know?” I asked, slightly panicking, what if all the workers know and some don’t accept it? “The boss told me that’s why you got the job” She said before turning back around and walking away. I had told my boss because it was part of the resume, but-.

The words finally sunk in and anger spread throughout me. That was the only reason I got the job so early? Wasn’t I good enough to get the job without having that as an excuse? I went to my boss’s room and knocked twice. “Come in” He said, though his voice was muffled by the door.

I go right to the point, walking in the office and began talking. “I only got this job because I’m bisexual?” I questioned my boss, trying to hold back my anger. “Yes, we thought you’d be able to understand him better. His parents sent him here for being gay so I was hoping you’d be able to get him to tell us about his family life, we suspect it isn’t right. Now if you wouldn’t mind, I’m busy. Here are his papers” He sighed passing me a file and waving his hand, motioning me to get out the office.

I took a deep breath before walking out of the office. I sat down in my chair and looked over the information. Suicidal, bipolar, depressed, and gay I read in my head, only skimming the pages. I head the door to my room open and close and someone shuffled over to the chair opposite to me. I knew this was my client, Winter was it?

I felt his eyes on me and looked up. He eyes traveled from me to the papers and he scowled. I looked up at the boy He had a sort of wild hairstyle, black hair with blue almost covering the whole thing. He had snake bites and pale blue eyes. He was wearing black jeans and a Blood on the Dance Floor t-shirt.

 In other words, he was pretty cute. I moved my gaze to his eye and gave him a small smile. Whatever thoughts had trapped him earlier stopped, because he looked up at me, rolling his eyes. That’s all the basic rules. Though there is one more, which you cannot forget.


 No relationships, even friendly, outside of your room. My boss’s words rang through my head and all I could think was this is going to be tough, he’s such a cutie. Not saying I would just date him, but I mean, how could I not be friend with someone I talk to for two hours a day 3 days a week? I mean, how could the office give this rule? Make the person think you care then just leave him to go to the outside word, how cruel.

I stared at the papers for a while, not really reading them just checking the severity of everything. How could someone who looks so full of attitude, be so-. Well, you get it. “What? You think you know me from reading those papers?” He hissed, moving forward in his chair. I was surprised at him, but I guess papers couldn’t catch the real personality.

They’re all fact and no emotion. “No, that’s why I’m going to be asking you questions” I said, my eyes not leaving his. His faced changed from angry to slightly embarrassed. “Sorry” He whispered, sitting back in his chair and pulling his legs up to his chest. “I get like that sometimes” He admits moving his eyes away from mine.

I smile a little; his bipolarness is sort of cute. “So let’s start try playing 20 questions, so it’s not awkward me knowing everything about you and you knowing nothing about me” I say and he looks at me surprised. I scrunch up my eyebrows and give him a confused look. “You’re not like I thought all therapists were” he mumbled and I smirked. “I’m new” I shrugged motioning my hand in a circle, in other words, telling him to go first.

“Favorite color?” He asked, looking sort of confused at what he was supposed to ask. “Red” I said, pointing to my hair, while he answered ‘blue’ pointing to his. This continued on for the next two hours until our session for the day was done. I learnt quite a few things about him that day. Just basics though, I didn’t think I should push him into talking about his personal life yet. He sounded like a really sweet kid though…

(I feel like I should say the sessions are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday)

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