17. Forever

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Xander's POV

"Take a deep breath." I tell myself as I see myself fully dressed. It's happening today.

There's a knock on the door.

That must be Danny. "Come in."

"Xander, how are you doing?" Danny asks.

"I'm dressed."

"You're nervous." Danny states coming to stand beside me. "You don't have to be."

"I know." I respond. "Is everyone else ready? Have you seen Carlos?"

"Yes and yes, he is ready too."


"Our dads will be here in a minute to see you. I'm so happy for you both, Xandy."

"Thanks." I smile.

There's a knock on the door before it's opened to reveal my dads.

"Look at him, doesn't he look handsome?" Seth asks.

"Yes, love." Nate responds smiling.

"I need a hug." Seth says as he gets closer he envelops me in his arms. "I love you, Xander."

"I love you too, dad."

"Don't start crying dad." Danny says.

"I'm not. It's just a special day for Xander, my baby is getting married."

Nate smiles tenderly before he joins the hug. "It's almost time for the ceremony."

"Your future husband is ready to marry you." Seth says kissing me on the cheek.

I smile.

"Danny, you need to be ready."

"I'm going dad." Danny responds. "Love you Xander."

"Love you too, Danny."



I nod. I can't wait to see Carlos!

Carlos' POV

"Dad is everything in place? Papa is the bowtie not crooked?" I ask.

"Yes, it is." Esteban responds.

"Yes, Carlos. Take a deep breath." Robert says taking one himself.

I guess my nervousness is getting the best of me.

"You look handsome. You're ready. You'll be married soon. Stop being so nervous."

"I know." I smile. Soon I will see him and I'll be able to call him my husband.

"Carlos! Ready?" Juliana asks as she barges in.

"She's too excited." Mickey explains. "You look great as does your future husband."

"You saw him."

"Yes, he's as happy and nervous as you are."

"Yes, he is." Juliana states taking photos.

"It's almost time." Esteban says. "You both need to go take your places."

"We are." Mickey says taking Juliana's hand. "Let's go."

"Ready?" Esteban asks.


We make our way outside to the entrance of the house. I want to see how Xander looks in his maroon dress pants, red long sleeve dress shirt, and gold vest and tie. We're in the countryside having a fall wedding. Xander, especially wanted to have it in the countryside, out in the open.

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