14. Pumpkin

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Enjoy! I like this one! :)


Xander's POV

"Ready?" I asks as soon as I enter the apartment.

"Yes, I was just waiting for you." Carlos replies from the couch.

I go give him a kiss and sit next to him. "Did you already set out all the ingredients?"

"Yes, I did."

"Are you done with that? I want to make it now!"

Carlos chuckles, "Yes, I can finish it later." He says wrapping his arms around me.

"Let's go then." I say getting out of his grasp and running to the kitchen.

"It's not going to hurry itself." He says behind me.

"I know, but it's tradition to this at the beginning of fall."

"I know my pumpkin." He says placing his hands on my hips.

"No distractions!"

"I'm not distracting you. I'm waiting for my turn to wash my hands."

"Sure." I reply.

"It's our fourth year doing this and our first doing it in our home." Carlos whispers.

"I know."



"So what do we do first?!" I ask.

"First, we wash our hands, then we gather the ingredients." Carlos replies.

"I know." I say as I go wash my hands. I'm excited; we're baking a pumpkin pie! "What's next?"

"Do you want to mix or pour the ingredients?"

"I want to mix!"

"Okay, get the bowl and the whisk. We're going to work your muscles."

"Why not use the mixer?"

"Because it doesn't take long to mix it all. Just grab the bowl. Here mix the sugar, salt, cinnamon, and ginger."

"Okay, it's mixed. Now what?"

"I'm going to add the eggs."

"So this is easy." I say mixing.

"Yes, it's a simple recipe for a pumpkin pie."

"Here goes the pumpkin. Do you want me to take over?" Carlos asks.

"No, I'm fine."

"Okay, here goes the evaporated milk. I'll add it, bit by bit."

I nod. I stir it in. It's like mixing paint. Well, not quite. I take the whisk out and taste the mixture.

"You're not supposed to taste it." Carlos says. "It has eggs."

"I wanted to know what it tasted like before it goes into the over."

Carlos smiles.

"Well, it's ready to be poured into the crust."

Hmm, he can pour it. I don't want to spill it. "You pour it."

"You don't want to?"

"No, I'll put it in the oven."

"Okay." He lifts the bowl to pour the mixture into the crust.

"There you can put it in the oven. It's ready to bake." Carlos says placing the bowl in the sink.

I smile. We're baked our first pie together. I take the pie and start walking the short distance to the oven when I trip. I don't have time to react, the pie lands all over me.

"Are you alright?" Carlos asks helping me up.

I frown. "I'm fine, but the pie is not. We don't have a pie."

"It's fine."

"But I wanted the pie. We made it together! You showed me how to do it. It was supposed to be something we did together." I'm upset about it more than I should be.

"We did make it together. And about the pie, let me see." He leans in and licks my neck. "It's delicious."

There was pumpkin mixture in my neck?

"You did great mixing it." Carlos says licking my jaw. "Yup, very delicious, pumpkin."

"It's not--"

He cuts my protest by kissing me. When he breaks the kiss, he says, "If you want we can make another one, but I'm content with the taste I've had." He smirks.

"That's not pie." I say slapping his chest.

"Yes, it is, my pumpkin." He says tilting my chin up. He gives me a peck. "Now, go shower and I'll clean up." He says giving me a hug.

"You just got yourself dirty."

"Then, I'll just have to shower too."

I shake my head smiling. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, my pumpkin."

"Don't tell me that's what you're going to be calling me now."

"Yup, you're my pumpkin."


I smile at the memory. That year, we didn't bake a pie, but he's been calling me pumpkin since then. It's become tradition at the beginning of October to bake a pumpkin pie.

"What are thinking about?" Carlos asks.

"When you first taught me how to make a pie."

"When the pumpkin mix fell on you." Carlos smiles.

"Yes that too."

"But it's a good memory."

"It is."

"So pumpkin, ready?" Carlos asks.

I smile. "Yes. I'll mix."


Carlos pours the ingredients as I continue to mix and stir. He pours the mixture into the crust.

"I want to put it in the oven."

"Are you sure?" Carlos smiles.

I haven't wanted to put it in the oven since that year. "Yes. I won't fall this time." I hope.

"Congratulations, you didn't fall." Carlos says. "And we'll both be eating pie when it's done."

"With whipped cream."

"We can use the whipped cream for something else in the meantime." Carlos says closing the distance between us.


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