Chapter Nine - Knight in a Shining Blazer

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"It's easy to fool the eye but it's hard to fool the heart." - Al Pacino

*Vivian Santos*

"Cecilia, do I really have to wear this? I wouldn't even wear this normally to work!" I said, holding up an outfit she had picked out for me. It was the following evening and we were about to meet up with the rest of the team at a bar that was a few blocks away from Quantico. Morgan encouraged me to bring Cecilia along, but I knew it was only because he wanted to see if she was as pretty as I said she was, even though Morgan was in a committed relationship.

She wanted me to wear a flowy white tank top that showed a little bit of my midriff and super tight black skinny jeans that practically looked like it would cut off my circulation if I even tried to put them on. On top of that, she had picked out a pair of black pumps for me. Cecilia pointed a finger at me. "Viv, what you normally wear to work is not club attire. Besides, your man Spencer Reid is going to be there, and when he sees you, his eyes are going to pop out of his head."

"Cecilia, I'm not you. I can't pull something like this off," I replied. She ignored my comment and pushed me towards the bathroom to get dressed.

"Just put the damn clothes on!" she said as she closed the door, leaving me alone in the bathroom. I sighed to myself and gave up trying to win this fight. I got dressed, did my makeup, and then decided to curl my hair a little. I mean, I guess Cecilia was right. Maybe I should get dressed up a little bit to impress Spencer...

I came out of the bathroom about half an hour later and saw that Cecilia had changed into a red tight-fitting dress and black strappy stilettos. She had yet to do her makeup, but honestly she already looked pretty flawless. When she saw me, the biggest smile I had ever seen on her spread across her face. "Well look at you, hot stuff. Somebody might just lucky tonight," she said, wiggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can you just put on your makeup already so we can leave? I don't want to be late.," I said, shooing her into the bathroom. When I turned around, I saw myself in the mirror and almost didn't recognize myself. I looked like the version of myself that would be in an alternate universe. I almost considered changing into something I was more comfortable with, but I didn't want to make Cecilia upset. Looking to the side of the vanity mirror, I picked up a pair of silver dangly earrings that rested on top of my purse. It was the last birthday gift my brother had given me before he died. I only wore them on special occasions, but I guess this counted as special, since I never really went out.

Cecilia came out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later looking even more perfect than she already was. "Oh, you're wearing them," she said, referring to my earrings. I shrugged a little and picked up my purse.

"It goes with the outfit," I said bluntly. Cecilia smiled softly and put her hand on my shoulder, her signal saying that she understood. Shortly after, we walked out the door.


As I suspected, we were the last two to show up to the bar. "Where's your team?" Cecilia asked.

"I'm not quite sure," I replied as I scanned the room. Finally after a few seconds, I saw Morgan waving to us from near the back of the bar and we headed in their direction. "Sorry, we're late," I said as we walked up to them. Reid has his back to me, but turned around when we walked up, and I watched his jaw drop slightly, but I felt my heart speed up when I saw him.

This Spencer Reid that was directly in front of me wasn't the Spencer Reid I knew at all. He was wearing jeans with a white v-neck and a black blazer with his black Converse. His hair was left a little bit messy, and I thought I smelled Morgan's cologne on him. "Let me guess," I said after a few seconds of silence, "Morgan dressed you." Reid smiled and patted the spot next to him on the couch he was sitting on.

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