Chapter Three - Don't Raid on my Parade

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"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn

*Spencer Reid*

Morgan put his phone on speaker and then placed it in the center of the table. "Tell them what you just old me, Babygirl," he said.

"I did what I do best and looked into all of the classes that each of our victims' took and looked at the rosters, and there is one name that overlaps on a few of them. I just sent his file to you," Garcia said. Viv went to her bag, pulled out her tablet, and opened the file from Garcia.

"Roger Thompson, age 20. Looks like he's been failing all his classes," she read. I craned my neck to see what else was in the file.

"He's got a record too. Viv, can I see that?" She handed the tablet to me and I scrolled through. "He was charged with aggravated assault, but was never convicted."

"What's really interesting about this guy is what his major is," Garcia said through the phone. "He's a nursing major and he's also minoring in Chinese culture studies."

"That's got to be him," Viv said. "He would be able to use the right equipment to drain the blood."

"Work and home addresses are in the file," Garcia said.

"Reid, Viv, and Morgan go check the house and the rest of us will go to his work," Hotch ordered. We all stood up and rushed outside to the SUVs. Viv hopped in the back while Morgan took the driver's sat and I got into the passenger side.

With Morgan driving, we got to Roger Thompson's house within five minutes. The three of us strapped on our vests and drew our guns. I looked over at Viv, and she looked to be quite nervous. It was her first raid, after all. When she saw me looking at her, I gave a reassuring pat on the back and she nodded in reply.

Morgan knocked on the door, "Roger Thompson! FBI! Open the door!" No answer. "Okay, stand back, guys." Viv and I took a few steps back and Morgan kicked down the door. I went in after Morgan and checked the kitchen and the hallway while Morgan checked the living room and Viv went up the stairs.

"Clear!" I called out.

"Guys! You're going to want to see this!" Viv called from upstairs. Morgan and I ran upstairs and found Viv standing in the master bedroom. The walls were covered with the same Chinese symbol painted in blood and the corresponding names were written underneath it. "He labeled each one," she said. On the vanity, there were four jars with the eyeballs and filled with formaldehyde to preserve them.

"Well, he's not here. He's got to have a secondary location somewhere," Morgan commented. Viv walked over to the dresser and picked up a picture frame and I walked over to her to see what the picture was. It was of Roger Thompson when he was younger on a four-wheeler in front of a barn.

"If I were to take a guess, it would be wherever this farm is," said Viv. I pulled out my phone and called Garcia.

"You have reached all things magical and wonderful. How can I help you?" she answered.

"Garcia, did Roger Thompson's parents own a farm?" I asked. I heard Garcia type away on the other side of the line.

"Yes, that is correct. Both of his parents died two years ago and he inherited it. It's twenty miles outside of the city and I just sent you the address." I hung up the phone and the three of us rushed outside to the SUV while Viv called Hotch.

It should've taken at least an hour to get to the farm, but Morgan was able to get us there in under forty-five minutes. When we pulled up to the barn, it was eerily quiet. The darkness of the night only added to the creepy atmosphere. The only sounds that could be heard were the crickets and the occasional distant dog bark.

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