Chapter Five - Messing With Perfection

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"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it." - Salvador Dali

*Vivian Santos*

The Waters' home seemed to portray that the perfect family lived there. The house was perfectly clean and everything was put in its proper place. The moment Reid and I stepped inside, my stomach dropped and every nerve in my body told me that everything was not as it seemed. "Does something seem off to you?" I asked as I put on a pair of rubber gloves. Reid did the same and started looking through the family photos that were placed on the fireplace mantle.

"They like to be organized, that's for sure," he replied.

"Being organized is one thing, but being extremely anal about everything being in the right place is another." I walked up the stairs to check out the bedrooms.

Doug Waters' room looked like any other sixteen-year-old's bedroom. Posters of bands and girls on motorcycles plastered the walls and a Playstation was hooked up to the twenty inch flat screen in the corner of the room. Various articles of clothing littered the ground and the bed was left unmade.

However, there was nothing typical of a ten-year-old girl in Hailey's room. There was no life in it whatsoever. The walls were painted a dull beige color, the bed had white sheets on them, and the only other piece of furniture in the room was a dresser. I walked over to the closet and opened it. There were dozens of pieces of clothing in it, but no toys were to be found anywhere. In fact, the room was so clean it looked like not even a speck of dust was present in the room.

"Find anything?" I jumped at the sound of Reid's voice. I was so in my head with looking through everything that I didn't hear him walk up the stairs. "Dammit, Reid, you scared the crap out of me." He chuckled a little bit and walked into the room.

"Hotch just called. He said the parents relayed the same story we heard from rapid deployment," he informed me. I scanned the room again.

"How many ten-year-old girls do you know that own no toys or at least have a little bit of color on the walls?" I asked, a little bit rhetorically.

"When I was ten my walls were lined with textbooks and planetary models," he answered. I smiled a little bit.

"That's because you were in high school, Einstein." I walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. Right on top of the pieces of clothing was an insulin pump and a bottle of sugar tablets. I took them out and showed them to Reid.

"Hotch never mentioned that Hailey has diabetes," he said.

"The parents probably didn't tell him." I put the pump and the tablets into an evidence bag and handed it to Reid. I walked over to the bed, lifted up the sheets, and saw that there were dried yellow stains on the mattress. "She was wetting the bed," I commented. "Who actually made the 911 call?"

"According to C.A.R.D., Doug did," Reid replied. "Why? Do you have a theory?" I pulled out my phone and called Hotch.

"I'm not sure," I replied. Hearing Hotch answer, I put the phone on speaker.

"Hotch, Reid and I found an insulin pump and sugar tablets in Hailey's dresser," I said.

"The parents never mentioned Hailey having diabetes," Hotch replied. "Why wouldn't they mention that?"

"If someone with diabetes doesn't receive their insulin injection within two hours of when it was originally supposed to be taken, they can develop hyperglycemia and even develop a hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state if their blood glucose levels get too high," said Reid. I didn't quite understand what he had just said, but I knew it wasn't good.

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