No. 11

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Whoever this fucker is, they need to stop. What package? What could possibly be in it that would help me? But then again, maybe it could. Fine, I'll get the freaking package. But what will I tell Halsey and Louis? They need to fill in an official paper and let the school counselor know and talk to me. Maybe I can sneak out.

I take a peak outside the office. I don't see them around. Weird. Aren't they supposed to stay here? No time to question why, just get going. I speed walk as fast and as quietly as I can. I don't bump into anyone who can rat me out. But that doesn't mean that I don't feel the never ending physical pain in my body. Will it ever stop?

I make it outside. Apart from some people I assume are having a free hour, there's nobody else outside. I start my way to the parking lot. I'm searching for the package on the fence. But I can't find it. Wait. There. Yes!

It's a brown envelope. But it's really thick. I try to pull it off, but it won't budge. Examing it for a while, I find the knot of the rope. I pull on it and it's free.

I open it to find some... documents? Some about historical, biblical events, some about the start and process of the whole Keyhole thing. Even my own birthcertificate. Why are they bundled together like this? I also find a little note. I can already guess whom it's from.

'Dear Stephanie,

When you're reading this note, it means you decided to trust me. Which brings much joy to my heart.

Within a minute or two I'll reveal myself to you. Before you'll run off when you find out who I am, I hope you'll let me explain myself. Even if you won't believe me.

But please hear my story before any decisions are made.

- The Messenger'

This guy really expects me to wait for him like that?

"Yes, he does."

I turn to see the person that belongs to that voice. But I already know. It's Luke. I don't care what the note says, I wanna run. But I won't. Curiosity killed my cat.

"Before you run away or yell at me, let me explain. Everything. Please."

"I'm listening."

"Okay. Inside that package are the files expalining everything from when you were born, cast out, born again and why people have Keyholes today."

"Okay. What else?" I will not let him know how badly I wanna scream at this lunatic.

"Oh yeah. Well, you mainly need to know about Liam and I. Before the words leave your mouth, no, Liam and I aren't brothers. We are, however, both from higher grounds. But what's important is what we are to you, Steffi."

I wait for him to continue. His stand goes from his hands trying to calm a wild animal to being awkwardly shoved in his pockets.

"Go on. Read the first two documents."

There's that voice again. And now I know where it comes from; Luke. He's communicating with me through our minds. But that can't be. I'm really losing it. Maybe I just need to sit down before I do any reading. I don't want Luke to stay standing there. I pat the ground next to me for him to sit down. He gives me the familiar, shy smile before sitting down. Somehow, that smile doesn't belong to someone who would try to hurt me.

The first two papers are out and I begin to read.


When the angel Lofiel lays with the Fallen demon Asmodeus, the way Adam lies with Eve, the creation of something as beautiful as God himself was born. A pair of twins called 'Nephalem'. One boy and one girl.

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