Chapter 1

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A/N: Thanks for giving this a read. If you aren't a reader from my other fic 'Broken, Imperfect' you should totally check it out. These chapters will be moderately short, my apologies! Enjoy<3

Alan's PoV

I sat behind the desk at the Huntington Beach Humane Society. Next to me sat Echo, a beautiful female pit. She had been the 'shelter dog' for 2 and a half months now. Echo had arrive the same day I had.

Let me explain what the 'shelter dog' is. You see, this shelter took one dog and one cat off of death row and made them the 'shelter dog' and 'shelter cat'. These animals were kept around the shelter until they were adopted, regardless of whether it took one day, two weeks, three months. That's where Echo's story comes in. Echo hadn't had the best of luck, nobody seemed to want a pit even though this one was so damn sweet. We ended up offering other dogs as temporary 'shelter dogs' to reduce the deaths of dogs since Echo just wasn't being adopted. She was still kept around though, we weren't giving up on her. I didn't understand why nobody was interested in her. She got along well with other dogs, was surprisingly friendly towards cats, and did wonderful with kids.

I had developed an attachment to Echo though, and we had bonded very quickly. Right now, I was leaving for the day and Echo was close behind me, following me to the door.

"Bye baby" I cooed as echo jumped up, placing her paws on my stomach. I crouched down and she wrapped her paws around my shoulders loosely as she attacked my face with sloppy kisses. "I love you too, yes I do" I cooed at her, grabbing her ears and shaking her head playfully. "See you tomorrow" I promised. I stood up and shooed her away gently as I opened the door.

Oh how I wished I could adopt Echo, but my landlord, Phil didn't want dogs in the apartments. He said that the tenants always complain and he has to make a living. He lived in the room next to mine too, so there was no sneaking a dog in and keeping it a secret. That was no life for a dog like Echo anyways.

"Bye Jenna, bye Taylor!" I called to the other two girls.

"See you later" Taylor replied blandly.

I rolled my eyes and hopped into my jeep, heading home. I had laid there for an hour just relaxing when I received a call from Taylor.

"Hello?" I answered dumbfoundedly. The girls never called me.

"Hey Alan." Said Taylor. "Uhm, good bad news" she sad.

"Good first." I replied

"Echo found a home." She replied softy.

"Bad?" I prompted, my heart already partially breaking.

"The guy that is adopting her is tall, and tattooed and mean as fuck" she replied.

Not Echo. She didn't deserve that.

"Did Aaron approve?" I asked frantically.

"Yeah" whispered Taylor. "And there's no arguing with him. He said anybody that argues is fired in a heartbeat.

"I. .. when is she getting picked up?" I whispered.

"Tomorrow. Noon." Taylor replied softly.

"Okay. I'll be there" and I hung up. I laid down and cried. I wish I was allowed to have Echo. She's so wonderful and sweet. Now some asshole was adopting her for God knows what. To fight. Breed. To be a source of cruel entertainment. I laid down, tossing and turning in my sleep with a guilty conscience and a sense of dread.

Shelter Dog (Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now