Chapter Three

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I started to freak out, I backed up as much as I could, and bumped into a bunch of trees. I saw Harper that tall short hair girl run off into the woods, I wasn't trying to make noise so I elbowed Lilly. She looked over. She shook her head.

"What do we do?!"

Kylie yelled. I pushed her down a little and shushed her.

"Be quiet!"

I whispered to her.

I starting killing some zombies. I heard a bunch of gun fires, the zombies followed that noise. I saw Harper surrounded now, I took my arrows and starting shooting some zombies.

"Come over here were there is a clear path!"

Nick yelled. We all followed Nick. He starting shooting the tree, the zombies came back over here.


I yelled. She just stood there. She ran, so did we, she jumped over a bush to us. We kept running.

Harpers POV

No no no! CRAP! I'm bit.. I'm freaking bit! How do I tell them? Especially Kasey.. He's my brother..

I stopped and I sat down.

"What are you waiting for?!"

Kasey yelled, everyone kept running, everyone but Kasey. He pulled my arm.

"I can't move on... I'm to weak.. I will be a threat!"

I whisper yell. He looks at me.

"You can move on! You save our lives out there! You risked yourself getting bit! Or worse! You need to come!"

Kasey yelled, he didn't yell that loud though. I started crying. I coughed. I stood up. He looked at my shoulder. I was wearing a white shirt, with a black tank under it. He in buttoned my shirt, he saw the bit. He backed up.

"Oh my god..."

He started shaking his head.

"This has to be a dream.. You can't be bit.."

He tested up a little, his eyes were red.

"You guys coming?! We found a good place to camp, it's high up! It's not that bad.. Its Taco Bell but..."

I saw Lilly or Roxanna.. Or whoever say.

"Harpers bit.."

Kasey whispered. Lilly or whoever ran up. I put my buttoned shirt back on.

"We can't tell the others!"

I said, trying not to cry. I started to get dizzy, I fell to the ground.


Kasey yelled. He held me around his shoulder. I closed my eyes, and all I saw was white.

Kaseys POV

Lilly walked with me, helping me carry Harper.

"She was my sister.. I just met her a couple years ago, before this all started.."

I paused, I held back my tears.

"She ran away when she was young, well when she tried to run away, she was kidnapped, we finally found her and she was starving and super skinny, to skinny. We gave her a lot of food for the past days, weeks, months.. We weren't just brother and sister... We were best friends.."

I couldn't hold it in I starting to sob. A few tears rolled down my cheeks.

I saw Lilly's sister run up to us. Lilly whispered something to her. Harper was taken out of my arms, she was carried to the roof of Taco Bell. I was walking slowly with Lilly. She put her arm around me, as we were like the same height, I was crying.

"Don't worry, you have us.."

She whispered to me as I was walking a little slower. I then walked ahead, not saying a word. I sighed.

I climbed up to the roof. Lilly followed me.

"Do you want any help?"

Lilly said to me.

"Leave me alone.."

I whisper to her, sitting behind this box thing that was a part of the building. I set Harper on my leg.

She coughed, face really pale.

She coughed again.

"End me..."

She whispered, coughing again. I shook my head. I starting crying again.

"No! You're fine!"

I whisper yell to her. She starts tearing up. She had a knife in her pocket. I tried to snatch it. She stopped and gave it to me.

"Do it!"

She whispered. I shook my head again crying.

"Want me to do it?"

I heard Derek say. I left Harper there on the ground.

"I love you Harper.."

I whispered to her. I kissed her on the forehead. She hugged me. I hugged her back. I gave Derek a pistol, since he had a rifle, Rifles make more noise. I went to the other side of the roof, sitting down my legs hanging. Everyone was keeping a look out. I heard the gun shoot. I looked over. Derek threw her off the roof.

"You ok?"

Lilly whispered to me. Sitting down. I looked up at her. I stood up and got some water. I chugged it down. Lilly sighed.

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