chapter three

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At lunch, we all sit together under the big oak tree behind the school.

“So, Ashton, how do you like it here so far?” Abbey asks apparently innocent but I can tell it’s an act to see if he is trustworthy.

“South Carolina is amazing. And the school is okay, but its school. I already have two friends and it’s only my first day, plus I already turned down Barbie-bitch, whatever her name was,” Ashton replies. Abbey’s eyes widen at that last part.

“Sabrina? What did she want from you?”

“Well, she wanted me sit with her instead of Dustin. But I think there was more behind it, if you know what I mean.” Ashton gets a disgusted look on his face.

“Yup, definitely a keeper.” Abbey whispers a little too loud because Ashton hears and his face lights up with a breathtaking smile. He’s so gorgeous; it’s hard to believe he’s actually hanging out with us. I blush which just makes Ashton’s smile wider, if that’s possible.

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