Showing Him The Truth

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Kali's POV

I basically drag Luke out to the garden. We finally get to the back door, and I look at him. "Are you ready to know the truth about what's in the dark." "Yes." I open the door, and there was every vampire and werewolf that was royalty. "Hey Kali," my friend Lilith said. Lilith is my best friend, she is a werewolf princess. When she changes she is this gorgeous white wolf, and since she has ice blue eyes it goes good together. "Kali, who is this," She says looking dead at Luke. "This is my friend Luke." "And what species are you?" "He is a human," I whisper in her ear. "Oh, well I'm a werewolf. Make yourself comfortable." Next is Prince James, who is the prince daddy wants me to marry. "Hello Prince James," I say curtsying, since me and him aren't friends it's the proper thing to do. "Good evening Princess Kali," he says taking a bow, "who is this gentleman." "This sir is Luke, Luke meet Prince James." "Hey dude," Luke says not knowing what to do. Next thing I knew Luke fell, and of course there was blood.  "Well we should go," I say getting Luke and going towards the door. Until James get in front of us. "A human, ummm haven't had one of those in a while," He says showing his fangs. Lilith quickly turns, and holds him off while we head inside. "Luke go to my room now," I said pushing him upstairs. "Kali princess what's going on," mommy says from the living room. "Luke fell, and there is blood!" "Oh, go to your room, lock the windows and door." I do as I'm told, and I race into my room. Luke was sitting on my bed.

"You weren't joking about vampires and werewolves," he says worried. I guess he thinks I'm like James, and eats people. "Luke you don't have anything worry about me. I kill wild animals. Like animals in the woods. I don't like human blood." "Okay good. One question do I have to become a Vampire now?" "Not up to me, that's up to my dad." "Oh okay." I went to my bathroom, and grabbed the first-aid kit. "Luke what blood type are you?" "O negative, why?" "Shit! Vampires that drink human blood would kill anyone for O negative blood type since It's the rarest." "Oh." Next thing I look out my window and there is James at it. "How did he get up there?" "Being a vampire and royalty you have these unique powers like being able to jump, climb, see the future, see the past, feel what people are feeling, and there are many more. Right now you need to call your mom and tell her you are staying here tonight." He does as I told him to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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