A New Country A New Change

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Kali's POV:
One thing I didn't do so good at is fitting in. I was always the outcast of the groups at school. My dad thought it would be a good idea to find a new job in a whole new country. He told me that it's a chance to get a new start. What he doesn't understand is that I'll never fit in.

"Kali, breakfast is ready," I hear my mom call from down stairs.

"Okay, be right down after I get ready," I yell.

Today I decided to wear a band shirt, which was a Sum 41 shirt. I decided to wear black skinny jeans, along with my black converse. I straightened my hair, like I always do in the mornings, and I did my makeup. My mom hates how I do my make up, she always told me it makes me look like a trampy whore. I always ignored her, because it's my body I can do what I want. I guess she wants me to have a good reputation since my dad is the Vampire King. But I don't care about that I want to live my life how I want to.

When I get down stairs, my mom looks at me, and told me I looked nice today. At first I thought she was joking, but she wasn't. I quickly grabbed my breakfast, and told them 'bye.' I hear my mom tell on my way out the door 'Don't forget the umbrella,' I grabbed my books and the umbrella, and headed to walk to school. By now my parents should go ahead and get me a car since I'm 16 now, and have my license. But they told me that I need to wait till I'm 18.

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