Telling Him

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Kali POV

Me and mom went out of my room, so I can tell dad. Of course I am nervous, his princess is pregnant. Which he wouldn't care if I was pregnant by a vampire prince, but Luke is neither of those things. So daddy will be pissed off. We finally make our way downstairs from the 6th story since that's where my room is. There sat daddy yelling at our servants. "Hey daddy," I say sitting next to him. "Hello princess," he says giving me a hug. "Umm, I-I pregnant." "Princess a-are you serious?" "Yes, daddy I am." "That's great who is the father is it that prince, ummm, what's his name?.Oh! Prince James." "No daddy. I-I'm pregnant by a human." "WHAT! Kali! You're in big trouble. How could you be so stupid and not use fucking protection?!" "Daddy I-I'm s-sorry! But I am in love with this human and nothing you say can change that." "Well princess I love you, and if you want to have this baby it's something I have to live with. Does this human know what you are and that you're pregnant?" "Thank you daddy! I love you too. And no." "Well invite the young guy over and we will tell him together." 

I immediately texted Luke, and invited him over. He replied with 'Be there at 8.' I quickly replied with 'It's better of you come over before night so 5?' He replied with 'okay.' 

It was 5, and our servants were cleaning up. *knock knock* "I got it," I yelled from my room. I raced down stairs, and opened the door. I opened it, and there stood Luke is ripped black skinny jeans, black converse, and a black Green Day shirt. "Hey Luke, come in," I say politely. He enters with that face he made when he saw the outside of the house earlier. "Wow, the inside is very impressive," he said turning around to kiss me. I push him off. " Yes you're right sir," daddy says appearing out of no where. "You must be Kali's dad," Luke says nervously. "Yes I am. What's your name young sir?" "Luke." "No you're whole name." "Oh sorry sir. It's Lucas Robert Hemmings." "Well Lucas I'm Victor James Hubbard, And this is my lovely wife Victoria Diana Hubbard. Of course you know my sweet princess Kali Elizabeth Hubbard." "I never knew Kali's whole name." "Yes, Lucas have a seat there is something Kali has to tell you." Of course Luke has a seat, and he looks at me. "Luke I-I'm a vampire princess, and I-I'm pregnant with your baby." He looks at me shocked after I told him. "Kali Vampires don't exist, and I will help you raise the baby." "Lucas she is not lying about being a vampire princess. Vampires exist just as much as ghost and werewolves," mommy butts in like always. "Prove it then." By the time he said that it was already dark, so I decided to take him to our garden where all the royal vampire and werewolves hang out at.

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