A New School

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Kali's POV

On my way to school, I was nervous/scared. What if people didn't accept me? What if this school was nothing but preps? What if they beat me up? All of these questions were running through my head while I walking. Finally, I arrived at the school. I took a deep breath, and prayed that people would accept me. All of a sudden someone bumped into me.

"Hey! Watch where you're going," I yelled turning around to find my eyes meet with a ever attractive guy with the prettiest blue eyes ever.

"Sorry, mate," he said with the thickest Australian accent ever. It made me melt when I heard him. "Hey have I seen you around before."

"Umm, no I just moved here from Milan, France. I'm Kali by the way," I said checking out his body. He was wearing Blink-182 shirt. Through his shirt, you could see his abs. His pants were black skinny jeans.

"Hey, Kali. I'm Luke. The guys with the brown hair is Calum. Michael is the dude with the black hair. And Ashton is the one with dirty blonde hair who is wearing the bandanna," he politely.

"Nice to meet y'all. Oh, do you know where Mrs. Hemmings' room is. She is my first period," I said handing him my schedule.

"Yeah, Calum and I have her. We will show you," Luke said taking the schedule.

Luke's POV
"So Kali, is that your real name," I asked.

"Umm no my real name is Kaligenia, but I hate that so I just tell people to call me Kali," she said. Her accent was amazing. Her taste in bands was amazing. She was amazing. She was different.

For the rest of the day, me, Cal and Kali hung out. She was different but I couldn't put my finger on it. Was it the way she was pale or the way she seemed a little antisocial? Whatever it was I liked it.

"So Luke, is that you're real name," she asked me.

"No, it's Lucas but I'd rather be called Luke," I answered.

"Understandable," she said smiling. Later that day we were walking home, and we saw a gang beat up someone. There was blood everywhere. Kali started acting weird.

"Guys, sorry but I got to go like now," she said running away.

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