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Hey hey hey!

Okay, so there will be a second and third book that follows Abused and Unloved.

The second book will be called Hit Me Where It Hurts and just a little bit of advice from me, the writer, be prepared for this emotionally. It's gonna be a book of ups and downs and I need to prepare myself for a few of the things that will be included.

So, I'm gonna work on putting a cast list up, but one thing: I have no idea how to. If any of you know how to create a cast list for the end of every chapter, please private message me and I'll be sure to give shout outs and stuff.

Thank you to everyone that's been reading my book and has private messaged me telling me how good it is. I appreciate it so much because for me, writing my very first book was a crazy experience. I was scared that no one would read or it was just gonna be terrible. You guys help me see that it wasn't and thank you so much! I love each and every one of you, and to those still reading my books, keep reading. You won't regret it!

Okay seriously, I'm gonna stop sounding emotional and leave now:)

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