That Can't Be Right

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Last night was the best night we have ever had! Asher really did enjoy himself which made me really happy. The smiles that lit up his face was the best sight ever. He made me happy last night just by getting to be with him in. Only one bad/funny thing happened. We were playing air hockey whenever Asher hit the hockey puck really hard to get it into my side, and the puck smacked right into my finger. If any of you have ever played air hockey, you know how bad that hurts.

So I ended up with 2 broken fingers. It's fine though, Asher sure did pay for it. "Good morning babe." I said to Asher. He didn't reply. Must be still asleep from all of the fun we had last night. We didn't get back in until 5am because we stopped at McDonald's to get food. "I said Good morning babe!" I said even louder. Still no reply. I turned over to face him. "You leave me no choice." I said. As soon as I was about to jump on him, he flipped me back over and opened my legs. "Good morning babe" he said before kissing me and going into me.

"Yep, this has been one hell of a morning." I said to Asher after we finished the 3rd round. "It sure has. All because I have the best woman in the world and she has the best man in the world." He said kissing me all over. He doesn't understand how much I love him.

"Babe, let's go hop into the shower so that we can get ready for our day. I'm kind of sticky and sweaty." I said smirking at him. "Are you now?" He said before going to turn the shower on. Did I mention he was still butt naked? It was a sight for sore eyes. He came back out and pick me up and slammed into me. "Fuck, did you have to do that without warning?!" I moaned out. "I guess I did." He smirked. We walked, yes he was still in me, to the shower and walked in. Thank God for walk-in showers. He pounder into me more and more as he groaned and I moaned and we both were taken away to a field of amazement. I'm pretty sure that Katie can hear us through these thin walls.

We've had sex 4 times in the last hour and I'm surprised I haven't stopped him. We took turns washing and rinsing each other and then we got out. I'm going to another doctor's apt. with Katie for her check-up to make sure she's doing okay and can have more children after what had happened...... She needs support and I'm gonna go and be her support. After that we're going to pick up Lilah from her bae's house and then we are gonna go to the best ice scream shop in California!

Asher is gonna go to his friend Grayson's house and meet up with the rest of his buddies and go play laser tag and do other things that reckless, teenage boys do. "Asher, flirt with any girls tonight and I'll rip your nut sack off, you hear me?" I said with my oh-so-serious face. "Yes ma'am!" He said looking a little nervous now because he knows that I will do it.

"Okay babe, I have to go or else Katie will be late for her appointment. I love you, bye!" I said giving him a quick kiss, but he pulled me back and extended the kiss, shoving his tongue down my throat. I was getting ready to pounce on him, but I really have to go. What is up with me lately? "Babe, you know what that does to me." I said my face getting flushed. "Yeah, I love you too btw." He smirked and then walked out after grabbing my ass. He makes me sick, in a good way.


Katie and I had just left the doctor's office. Katie was so happy because her doctor told her that yes she was able to have more kids soon and that her health was perfect. "I'm feeling so great right now!" Katie exclaimed jumping up and down. "I'm happy that you're happy." I said back giving her a hug. She is my best friend, I don't know what I'd do without her.

We pulled up at Lilah's boyfriend house and I honked the horn. She came downstairs and kissed her bae goodbye and then got into the car. "What took so long?" I asked. "We were kind of in the middle of something.." she muttered. "Tell him to pull out more quicker than what he does." I said making her blush. "Just drive." She said.

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