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*Five months Later*
*Damien's P.O.V*

"Alec stop it! That's not nice!" Nat shouted, punching Alec repeatedly in the arm.

"What? I just teased you a little," he said, pinching Nat's perfectly rosey cheeks.

"About prom! It's not funny! I'm very nervous right now!" He shouted. I chuckled and threw my arm over his shoulders. Nat looked up at me and let out a long sigh.

"Prom will be fine, Nat. You have me." I said. I don't know if that was reassuring or not, but I hoped it helped. It's been a couple months since the thing with Jasik and Nat's nightmares have yet to subside, but he isn't screaming like he used to. Not since I asked him to prom. You know how I asked him? I filled 36 balloons up with whip cream and laminated 'will you go to prom with me?' And shoved them in there. He popped them and got it all over himself. It was cute. But the way he said yes was made me go on a treasure hunt. A very small treasure hunt but I found the yes in the hood of my car after about two hours of hints and searches.

"It's in four hours and I have yet to receive my tux! See how heart racing this is?!" Nat shouted at me. I nuzzled him.

"You're so cute when you are flustered." I said.

Nat lifted a hand seriously. "Not the time, babe." He said and got up out from under my hand and turned to go towards his house.

"Well, I will be around to pick you up at seven, oh so pretty Nathaniel." I shouted. He flipped me off, and I chuckled. Alec smiled at me and pushed off the hood of my car.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you guys are cute." He chuckled, running a hand through his hair.

"I know," I said and got to my car. "But I'm still worried about him."

"I know, trauma like that will be with him forever. But I'm glad he has you," he smiled, walking over to his car. Simon was sitting in the front seat, thinking hard about something, but god knows what is going through that head of his. He confessed he liked Alec to me, but Alec is so closed off and thinks Simon is straight. I just hope they don't ruin their friendship if Simon comes out to Alec and that he likes him. Man, wouldn't that be something to see.

**4 hours later**

*Nat's P.O.V*

I was jumpy. No, maybe I was afraid... Hyper? Ugh! I don't even know anymore! All I know is that I am about to go to prom with the boy I love the most and be dancing with him. This just... Makes me so jumpy and I dont even know!!!!

"Relax, honey, you will be fine. Paul, tell him he will be fine." My mother said, addressing her new boyfriend to me. My mom and Paul have been together for 4 months now. They met at the court case outside and have talked and started a relationship since. It was prom night for me and date night for them. I know, old people going on dates am I right?

"You look fabulous," Paul remarked, smirking at the small gay joke planted in his voice. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away.

"Oh shut up, Paul." I smirked. The doorbell rang and suddenly all my nerves came up at once. I was frozen in my spot with probably a look of horror on my face.

My mom shoved past me and got to the door, opening it. She gasped happily and appeared down the hall. "Nathaniel, Damien's here to pick you up," my mother cheered.

I still couldn't move my legs, so Paul hooked his arm under mine and practically dragged me out so that I was facing... Holy Jesus fucking Mary! Was this god really Damien?

He wore a purple tux and black tie, his hair slicked up into tumblr hair and his smile bright. My tux was black and my tie was just the same color as his tux. He held a bouquet of roses in his hand and seemed evenly shocked at how I looked.

"Wow Nat, you look stunningly handsome." Damien said with a smirk.

"T-thanks... I-uh- guess you do too." I stammered and instantly wanted to pound my face to a pulp. He chuckled and came over, handing me the roses which I gladly took as he cupped my cheek into his hand.

"You are so handsome," and with that our lips connected and we kissed so passionately that it felt soooo good. We broke the kiss and I looked up into his bright Carmel eyes and smiled. Our eyes locked together for what seemed like ever, until my mom's squeal broke our trance.

"So adorable!!!" She screamed while throwing her arms around both of us. "Ugh, can I just get a couple pictures?" My mom asked and of course we didn't complain. She took some pictures until we told her we had to leave to catch up with Alec, his date and Simon with his date. I just hope its with each other I mean whoops... That just slipped by me ha-ha.

We drove down to the capitol building where the prom was taking place and parked before walking to meet up with Alec and some girl I knew from Honors Physics and Simon who was with Alex Jimmers from the football team. Boy could you sense the awkward tension coming from Alec and Simon from uptown.

"Hey, don't you guys look dashing," Alec said with a smile.

"And boy do you guys smell of tension," I say, wiggling my eyebrows at the both of them. They exchanged looks but then just changed to look at their dates.

"We're going to go dance, join us whenever buzz killers," Simon said, taking Alex's hand in his. Alec followed closely behind, but didn't bother to take his dates hand. You could tell she was frustrated with that.

"Boy did that go swimmingly," Damien chuckled. I nodded and turned my head to the prom. He laced his fingers with mine and we entered. The sound of Owl City's Ember, flooded into my ears, causing a smile to appear on my face. I loved this song so much because it was amazing to me. Everything from Owl City to PARADISE FEARS with a pinch of sleeping with sirens was enough to make me happy forever. I loved music so much that I can't live without it. I glanced over at Damien to see him smiling and showing teeth, the dark room lit with only dim Christmas lights and the stars from above the glass roof top, made my heart skip a beat. He caught me staring and pushed me close, kissing me deeply. I chuckled.

There were days when each hour was a war I fought to survive:

There were nights full of nightmares and I dreaded closing my eyes:

There were skies that burst open with a downpour to drown me alive:

But the world took a spark like a match in the dark and the fire brought me to life...

Those few lines of that song explain my life with Damien, and how he is the sparks that brought me to life. All that we have been through is enough to last us a life time. But his smile, his will to never give up and always stay by my side and never leave me alone is the reason I still live. He is my spark and seeing his bright smile, brings my heart to warmth and my smile to shine brighter than the moon. I love him and I know, with all his heart, he loves me back.

The End

A/N: its over :( but never fear! There will be a sequeal but it is about Alec and Simon's relationship. I will try to post it as soon as possible and whrite an authors note about what it will be called. I want to thank you guys for sticking with this story as I wrote it. :) I loved Nat and Damien's relationship and how they slowly changed with the company of each other :') it warms my heart! Well like and comment and like I said the sequeal I am working on! Love you guys and see you guys soon for the sequeal of this story :) (by the way the song on the top is the one being mentioned :))

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