Chapter (19)

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*Damien's P.O.V*

I finally went home after almost a week of staying in the hospital. I was actually forced by Alec to take a day off and away from the hospital. The only place I could think about going to was my own home.

I looked up to see the house I call home and sighed as I slid out of the drivers seat and shut the door. I locked it and walked up to the door, opening it to be met with loud music and my step-mom standing at the corner of the counter. When she saw me she sighed heavily with a relief.

"Oh thank god, where have you been?" She asked in a harsh tone. "I looked everywhere for you. I called the school and the-" I cut her off.

"I told James to tell you I was at the hospital. I came home to shower and change then left." I told her, closing the door behind me.

"James didn't tell me anything," she said matter-of-factly. "Why were you at the hospital?" My mom asked.

I felt tears start to brim my eyes but I fought them back. "Uhm... M-my boyfriend was shot and I stayed with him in the hospital." I said, leaving out the part where he was raped.

"Oh dear I'm so sorry, is he okay? I mean... Besides being shot." She asked, rubbing my shoulder tenderly.

"H-hes in a coma right now. H-he c-could never wake up." I let some tears fall onto my cheek, making my step-mom hug me for comfort.

"He'll recover. He has too, he can't leave you alone. I've never met him, but you've changed since you've met him too. He will get better," she said stroking my back.

I nodded and sniffled, rubbing the tears away. "I-i know," I said, making my voice crack.

"Go get some rest, your eyes aren't doing so good." She told me, rubbing my cheek with her thumb. Even if I don't like my step-brother, I like my step-mom. She can be annoying at times but that's what I love about her. I miss my real mom, but she made up for that.

"I-i will," I said. She pulled me in for one last hug before sending me on my way to my room. I closed the door and locked it, looking back at my wrinkled bed. I haven't fixed nor touched it since Nat and I slept on it. It brought back his smile and laughter. I walked over to the side of the bed and smelt his scent. His scent of dishwasher detergent and baby powder. It made me chuckle as the scene played out again.

He was trying to get away after biting my finger and me grabbing his ancles and bringing him back just to tickle him. His laughter... That's the only thing I wanted to hear again. His laughter and see his smile. Only those things were on my mind the heaviest.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket to see Simons name pull up. I swiped it left and read the text.


Hey Damien, get over here, I know we told you to leave but we need you here pronto!

I sighed and shoved the phone into my pocket before turning around and unlocking my door. I opened it to reveal James walking by. He stopped and raised a brow.

"Where you headin?" He asked with a smirk.

"None of your business asshole, by the way, truly appreciate your ability to pass around a message." I sarcastically replied, patting his shoulder before turning tail and walking towards the door.

"You are welcome," he sang before slapping the back of my head.

"James I am not in the fucking mood to play with you," I growled, clenching my fists.

"Yeah yeah, see ya later bastard," he mocked before walking out the door ahead of me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before walking out to my car. I got in and started towards the hospital.

When I got there, the parking lot had at least four police cars. That made my heart drop and I parked quickly, turned the car off and rushed inside. I made it to the waiting room where two cops were talking to Simon and Alec and one was talking to Nat's mom. I walked in and Alec saw me and pointed at me.

"What? What's going on?" I asked after I made it to Alec and Simon's side.

The chubby police turned to me with a stern look. "Do you know Jasik Mckennie?" She asked.

I glared at the name. "Yes, why?" I sneered, gulping down my spit.

"He was seen near the hospital by this gentlemen," she pointed at Alec before continuing," near a patints room. The boys name was... Uh... Nathaniel Fisher?" She said.

"Be was near Nat? What did he do?" I growled, my anger starting to boil up.

"Be didn't do anything. Luckily I called him out and he tuck tail and ran. He probably came by to finish the job," Alec said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"We will have his room guarded until Jasik is caught. I promise, no harm will come to your boyfriend," the police smirked.

I blushed bright red. "He knows?" I asked.

Simon scratched his head awkwardly. "It may have slipped when I was texting you," he chuckled awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the police. "Thank you, for everything you guys are doing, can I go see him?" I asked.

The police looked at each other before the chubby one nodded. I didn't hesitate. I took off towards Nat's room, seeing the two policemen near the door. I walked up to them but they stopped me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

I was about to answer when the chubby police entered in. "He's safe, let him in," he said. The two looked at each other before side stepping and letting me in.

I walked in and closed the door. I looked back and saw Nats still form. I took in a deep, shakey breath before walking up to him and taking his hand in mine. "Hey Nat," I said as I sat down in the chair. I felt tears prick my eyes as I watched him carefully.

"Seems you've been out for more than a week. You've missed a lot. I found out that Simon has a crush on Alec. I know its weird huh, but I also found out something very, very important." I sat up and bent down to kiss his forehead. I let a tear fall on his cheek as I gripped his hand harder, making sure it wouldn't slip away.

"I can't live without you," I said through a small cracked voice. "I love you so much, I need your O wake up." I kissed his forehead again before sniffling and sitting back down. I placed my head on his hand, my tears still coming down hard.

"Wake up... I love you Nat and I need you to wake up." I let the butt of my palm rub my tears away. I need to see Nat alive. I can't live without him. I needed him here right now. I would literally do anything. Anything to feel his lips again and see his smile. Hear that cute laughter and his shy answers that he can't quite out together. I want all of that and I would do anything for them.

"Uh... Ck.." I heard. My eyes went wide as I felt his hand squeeze mine. I glanced up to see his droopy eyes staring at me.

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