Chapter (20)

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*Damien's P.O.V*

"Nurse!! Somebody help!" I shouted. Nat was starting to choke on the tube as the nurse came in. She saw what was happening and ran to Nat to help him get the tube out. Once it was, Nat coughed and brought air to his lungs. He looked panicked to see everyone.

"I'll go get the doctor!" She said excitedly.

I bent down and kissed Nat's now free lips, feeling the chapped ones of none other than Nathaniel Fisher. I pulled back and laughed with hysteria. He was finally awake. His eyes looked shocked but my Nathaniel was awake!

"Oh thank the gods you are awake! You are here with us!" I shouted, kissing his chapped lips once more before catching my breath. Nat was finally awake. It must be a dream.


*Nat's P.o.V*

The first thing I saw was Damien crying. Why was he crying? I didn't know. All I knew was the my throat was killing me, my side was killing me and my body felt weak. I glanced down at Damien, trying to call his name but came up to choking. I coughed and gagged not registering that a nurse had walked in. She untaped the tube and pulled it out of my throat. The feeling leaving my throat sore. I gaged and coughed, looking at Damien's happy face. I didn't get much air when Damien connected our lips together. He pulled back with the biggest smile on his face.

" Oh thank the gods you are awake! You are here with us!" He shouted before connecting our lips again. Awake? How long was I asleep? Had to have been a day or two... Right?

"He's awake?!" I glanced at the door to see Alec with tears in his eyes. He saw me and that's when he lost it. He fell to his knees and broke down. I went to open my mouth, but no words came out.

"Don't talk, its okay." Damien said, rubbing my hair out of my face. The doctor stopped at the door and looked down at Alec.

"Mr. Martins, stand up and cry in the room, not by the door." He said, stepping over Alec to come in.

He saw me and smiled, sitting on the edge of the bed, opposite to Damien. "Alright Nathaniel, I want you to blink once for yes and twice for no."

I nodded and he smiled. "Alright, are you Nathaniel Fisher?" He asked.


"Are you 18 years old?"


"Is this young man here your boyfriend?"


"Do you remember what happened?"

Now that he mentions it, I don't know what happened. I mean... I remember going to the school to meet Alec and Simon, but I don't know what happened after. It's all just a blurr to me right now.

Blink, blink.

The doctor wrote something down before turning to me. "Okay, well what happened was you were in a coma for about a week and a half," a coma?! What? "And you were shot. You had a punctured lung and your small intestine was split open. You were in surgery and a coma, but you managed to get out." He said.

"C-" the doctor cut me off.

"Don't talk. You had the tube in for about a week and a half. Your throat isn't ready for talking." He said. He looked at Damien who was fidgeting with his hands and twitching his legs up and down.

"If you need something come talk to me, I will let him rest but you may stay in her- Martins pick yourself up off the floor already!" The doctor said.

"B-but its my comfort spot right now," he said. "H-hes a-awake right now." I told him.

"I am aware of that. Well I'm gonna let you guys talk. I will be around if you need me," he said before stepping over Alec again.

I smiled at the thought. I looked at Damien who was smiling back at me. He leaned up and kissed my forehead. "Welcome to the land of the living." He said playfully.

I chuckled but that made me twitch in pain. I looked up to see Alec pick himself up off the floor and smile. "Glad to see you awake." He cracked.

I nodded but looked at Damien. "W-what h...ha...happ...ened?" I managed, burning the shit out of my throat.

Damiens smile slowly disappeared from his face. He looked down at our laced hands. "W-well we met Jasik at the football field.... He wanted to play a sick game with you. You had to choose us or you. When you chose yourself he added something." His voice paused and he swallowed, tears coming to his eyes. "He... He raped you in front of us and then shot you. It was horrible. Y-your heart stopped a couple times while you were in here! It was such hell!" He practically shouted.

I grabbed his chin with my shakey and and brought his face to mine. He looked confused but when I connected our lips his tears started coming down hard. Everything came back to me. Everything that that bastard did came back to me. But I didn't care. I woke to see Damien and that was all that mattered.

"I..." I managed out of my sore throat. He smiled and kissed me deeply, gripping my cheeks.

"Ahem, this is heartwarming and all but I'm still in the room," Alec said sheepishly. We broke the kiss and I chuckled, causing me to gasp in pain. It was worth it though.

"I know you are dumbass," Damien said. I looked past Alec to see two police men at the door. I lifted a shakey finger to point.

"Oh, them? Yeah they are just guarding your door until Jasik is caught." Alec said.

My eyes went wide with shock. They still haven't caught him? What the hell? We're they just sitting on their asses out there? I gulped and nodded, feeling exhausted even though I just slept so much to last me a month.
"Get some sleep, Nat. We can worry about this when you wake again," Damien said and kissed me once more. I nodded and felt my eyes droop but not before I heard the three words I've been waiting to hear.

"I love you, Nat."

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