Chapter (15)

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*Nat's P.O.V*

My phone buzzed as I watched Damien sleep. I unlocked my phone and a text message from Alec lit my screen.


Hey Nat, Simon and I need to talk to you, Damien can come too. It's about tomorrow. Meet us by the baseball field in 30.

Well then. I wonder if it's gonna be about going on a triple date before the game. Then the dance Saturday! Ugh now I'm excited. I looked up and shook Damien. He grunted and shifted his weight.

"Damien," I whispered, continuing to shake him. He grunted and then lifted an eyelid.

"Can you be any less shaky?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and pulled up and into a sitting position. "Alec wants to talk about tomorrow, lets go meet them." I said.

My hand was being pulled down until I was laying on his chest again. He smiled. "Let's just sit here and enjoy each others company," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and pushed up again. "Come on lazy ass. Let's go talk to them. We could be looking at a triple date." I said, standing up to stretch my stiff body. He grabbed my waist and brought me to his sitting body. He leaned up and kissed me. I let my arms drop and grip his shoulders, kissing him back. I don't know what comes over me when I kiss him. It's like a great feeling that no one can explain.

I pulled apart and pointed to the door. "Come on sleepy head." I broke away from his arms and started to the door. Damien grunted, but sat up with me and walked out his door. It was quieter than when we first arrived. I mean, music was still playing, but it wasn't blasted to 50 and bumping the ground. Damien closed his door behind him and took my hand as we ran out the door, trying to avoid company.

He walked to his car and I smiled. "You have a car?" I asked brightly. It was a black kia spectra and it looked nice, yet a little older.

"Yeah, it was my dad's." He said. And sighed, unlucking it and sliding in.

I slid into the seat with him. He looked over to me and grinned. "Where to, princess," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "To the baseball field, chauffeur." He laughed and sped off towards the school. I watched out the window as he pulled into the school driveway a couple minutes later. Damien put it in park and we piled out of the car.

"So, what would you do with a million dollars? I told you mine, you never told me yours, Nat." He said with a hand over my shoulder. We walked towards the baseball field as we finished our conversation from the car.

"I don't know, maybe buy a house and settle down with you," I stopped him and kissed him deeply. I pulled back and smiled. "Maybe adopt a child," I said before kissing him again.

He moaned through the kiss. "You're gonna kill me Nat," he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and depened the kiss. I brought my hands behind his head and brought him in deeper.

"I would say get a room, but what's the fun in that?" I heard, startling me as I broke apart. I was about to complain to Alec, but my eyes landed on the source of the voice and I froze. Jasik stood there, his arms folded over his chest with a smile that I wanted so badly to smack off.

"What do you want?" Damien asked, shoving me behind him. I gripped his jacket hard, afraid that if I don't he will disappear from my very clutches.

Jasik kicked off the wall and shrugged, taking a step forward. "I just wanted to talk, ya know, see who he'd prefer."

"I prefer Damien you bastard!" I shouted, surprising not only Jasik and Damien, but myself too. Jasik chuckled.

"I kind of knew that would be your answer, although I don't agree with it." He stepped forward again and smirked. "But I want you Nat, so come over here or suffer the consequences." He said, holding a hand out.

I glared, but then remembered the reason we were here and my body started to shake. "W-where i-is A-Alec and S-Simon?" I asked almost breathlessly.

Jasik chuckled and stepped aside. Four boys came out from behind the bleachers. One chubbier one was holding Alec who had a couple of forming bruises and a Simon who was slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Let them go," Damien stated, stepping forward. The fabric slipped out of my hands, making me scared about what's gonna happen next. Jasik grabbed Damien's arm and twisted it behind his back. Damien grunted and kicked Jasik's knee. He screamed but only jerked Damien to the two free guys. They grabbed his arms and ripped them back, making him moan in pain. I was the only one free from the boys. Alec was securely tight along with Simon and now Damien. I looked around for something, but it was a field, nothing I find could be used as a weapon. I was helpless, along with my friends.

"You fucker! That hurt!" Jasik shrieked, raising a fist and colliding it with Damien's cheek. I let out a small yelp, and that made him remember I was here. Nice going Nat, you just screwed yourself.

"I almost forgot about you, pretty." He said. He walked up to me. I was frozen, I couldn't move nor could I unglue my eyes from Damien. This is worse than four years ago, only because now the one I love, is in danger.

Jasik gripped my chin roughly and turned my eyes to him. He smiled and pressed his lips to mine. That made me move. I struggled against him, throwing my arms up and trying to shove him away. He grabbed my arm and pulled my waist closer. He forced his tongue into my mouth and I screamed under the impact of not being able to breathe.

"Stop! God you sick asshole!" Damien shouted.

Jasik chuckled and broke our kiss. "Just the reaction I was going for." He grabbed my hair, making me yelp as he threw me to the ground. I hit it with force that nearly knocked the wind out of me. Jasik laughed in triumph and plopped on top of my back, holding me down against the ground.

"What do you say boys? Game time?" He asked.

"Fuck yeah, get that little brat to choose." One of the ones holding Damien shouted. My blood froze at the sound of that. Choose? What does he mean choose?

"Alright then, Jed." He leaned in closer to my ear and bit my earlobe. I whimpered, not realized I was shaking so hard that my vision was as well.
"I have a game to play, Nathaniel, and you are the main player." He announced.

"What game?" Alec asked.

"What game? Well since you asked politely, I will tell you the objective of this game." He paused and grabbed my hair, forcing me to look up. "You have to choose one of these poor souls to die, or you can choose yourself." He dropped my head and chuckled.

"Choose wisely."

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