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Zendaya knocks on Tyga bedroom door

Zendaya:can I come in

Tyga:yeah..cause I need to ask you something

Zendaya comes in and sit on Tyga bed

Tyga:I have a couch over there...

Zendaya:well sorry..

Zendaya moves to the couch

Zendaya:so whats been up with you..loke its been a week n all you do is speak to dad and mom and hang with Sean

Tyga:first off...I can speak to whoever I want and thats my mom not yours and the Sean part is what I want to know about

Zendaya:what you want to know

Tyga:did you meet Sean long before you presented yourself to me?

Zendaya looks up

Tyga:hello...over here

Zendaya :umm why

Tyga stands up

Zendaya:answer me

Tyga:cause I know what happened...

Zendaya:you think you know

Tyga:ik that you had people to jump on Sean after your ex tried to rape me...ik that you were the one that sent those envelopes to Sean and I. I also know that your not my sister. When your mom got pregnant she was  jealous of my moms and dad's relationship so she decided to sleep with my dad ....but they never got the DNA TEST...

Nicki walks in

Nicki:but I did...and you need to leave my house right now before I slay yo ass like a dungeon dragon.

Zendaya leaves..

Nicki:im sorry Ty

Tyga:its ok...yiu want to go over to unclecJi and Uncle Drake's is Seans b-day.

Nicki:yes we are going and I already called and got his gift delivered.

Tyga gets a gift off his dresser

Nicki:whats that

Tyga:something ma...its a surprise

Nicki:ok lets go..your dad is already there

They leave and arrive at the party

Chris:ok...lift the banner to the left

Jidenna:this way...

Chris:thats your right..lift it to my left

Jidenna finishes the banner

Jidenna:so..where is Ty and Nicki

Chris:outside getting the stuff out the car

Drake:comes downstairs and snacks Jidenna's ass


Jidenna smacks Drake's ass

Drake:you like that

Jidenna:a little..

Chris:can yall pick a room n this house and do that stuff...

Drake:too late the parties starting

They party is a blast and everyone is having fun.

Tyga:bae can we go upstairs right quick

Sean:yeah sure

They go upstairs to Sean's bedroom

Tyga:I like being in here

Sean:yeah.i cant find nothing to get that blood off the wall over I tried to cover it

Tyga:yeah..I understand

They sit on the bed

Sean:so...why arent we downstairs

Tyga:because I have something to give you

Sean:what is it

Tyga takes out a box


Tyga:I hada hard time finding this glass with golden diamonds ring..I wanted you to have the necklace but some one already  bought it so heres the ring.

Sean:baby thank you..and about that necklace..

Sean takes out a box

Tyga:omg...but its your cant be giving me stuff

Sean: bae..I love you and you know it but I want uscto be equal with everything.

They kiss

Tyga:come on ....lets go have fun


Jidenna and Drake step outside

Drake:you look happy

Jidenna:we are a happy family now

Chris and Nicki steps outside

Chris:yall...we did it


Jidenna:I love yall


Chris:love you too

Nicki:thats what im talking bout

They walk around to the pool and see Sean And Tyga

Nicki:hay kiddos

Tyga:hay ma

Drake:yall bet not be trying to make no babies


Sean:we cant dad...we gone have to adopt

Chris:adopt a lil  asian baby

They laugh have yall been married for so long

Tyga :yeah

Nicki:well back then...we didnt have all that cheating stuff and fake relationships ..and let them me our family

Chris:we passed notes..and we eachother home..and didnt always think about sex

Jidenna:took eacheother on romantic dates and showed real love not that hokey pokey ass love...

Drake:just to put in a simpler meaning...we had Classic Love

Thank you guys for all yall for your support and I want to think everyone who read,voted, and commented

Love yall

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