Chapter 1

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Jidenna gets up

Jidenna:well another day of being tortured is here.

He does his hygiene and gets dressed. He then goes downstairs.

Mrs.Mobisson:hay honey, breakfast is on the table.

Jidenna:so your not going to eat with me

Mrs.Mobisson:no..I gotta go im late for work.


Mrs.Mobisson:love you


She leaves and Chris comes in

Jidenna:wassup man

Chris:nun..your mom looked mad

Jidenna:thats her everyday 8:00 a.m face

Chris:lol so has Trey called know he hasn't been there for me since his dad found out he was gay.

Chris:so what you gonna do..cause im not about to let nobody mistreat you.

Jidenna:Just sit back

Chris:well we can sit back in your new car out there which makes the 3rd car in a month...I still have one car.

They go to school


Theu arrive at school..Jidenna starts to stare at Drake.

Chris:well id you ever start back talking to him you could staren


Chris:you havnt talked to him since 9th grade and here we are school gets out in 2 months.


Jidenna:im practically still with Trey

Chris:umm..his wack ass is a bum

Jidenna:naw..he likes me

Chris:no he likes going in your ass..not your heart.

They get out the car



Drake:what you shy?


Drake:shit..dont be im just asking do yiu want to come to my party

Jidenna:when is it


Jidenna:ok ...ill be there

Drake:hold my date

Jidenna:date?? Dont you have a girlfriend

Drake:we broke im moving on

Jidenna:ok..well see you there


They part ways

Nicki:so how did you get to school

Drake:I rode the of the worst rides in my life

Nicki:so when you get your car back


Nicki:well I got the stuff for the party in my car

Drake:ok ...guess what


Drake:me and Iggy broke up

Nicki:finally!!!!cause you know I aint like that hoe from the jump.

Drake laughs

Drake:ik ..ik..ik but..ill tell you later

Nicki:ok attention

The bell rings

Chris:come in Ji

Jidenna:coming hold on

Drake runs after Jidenna

Drake:hay wait up boo

Jidenna:ok..and Boo??

Drake:you didn't give me your number

Jidenna:you didn't give me your either

Drake:oh you playing hard to get

Jidenna:I am


Jidenna:umm..I cant tell you here but here's my number

Drake:ok..see you later sexy

Jidenna smiles and walks off

Nicki:come on Drake I come

Drake gets into the car

Nicki:so how did it go

Drake:Nicki..I really like him

Nicki:it look like he more than likes you...good choice Drake

Drake laughs

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