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Nicki and Chris arrives at their home

Nicki:call Rihanna and your daughter

Chris:baby it was a mistake

Nicki:im not actually you know shocked because I never thought

Chris grabs her hand

Nicki:Chris...I cant be mad because it was 20 years have to make up for that

Chris:well I paid the child support..and I visited her alot....

Nicki:it might take me time to get over the whole cheating thing ..but it happened and it had a great outcome

Chris hugs Nicki

Nickii love you

The doorbell rings

Nicki:ill get it...

Chris:no babe I got it

Nicki:too late

She opens the door


Nicki:hi...umm come in..come in


Zendaya comes in and hugs Chris

Chris:hay honey

Zendaya:hay dad

Nicki:Zen...umm im happy to meet you

Zendaya:its an honor to meet the Queen of Rap.

Nicki comes and hug Zendaya

Nicki:maybe can spend the night if you want

Zendaya:is it ok dad can get the 2nd room to the left

Nicki:and make it your own


Zendaya goes upstairs

Chris:thankz baby

Nicki:no problem

Tyga gets up



Tyga:you mad at me

Sean:give it a fucking rest

Tyga sits beside him



Tyga grabs Sean hands but he jerks it away

Tyga:what is your problem...what did I do

Sean goes downstairs. Jidenna and Drake comes in the house acting like a child right now

Sean:well let me act like one...its not like you care. When have you ever cared about me. All those times you got in trouble for sneaking out the hiusew and came home late..I told yo mom and dad you were with me to keep them from beatin yo ass.. all the times you when you didnt do your homework or work at school. I had  to   sneak and do that...the times when you got drunk at parties and I had to sneak you in my house and put you in my bed...

Sean starts crying

Sean:and the time when that dude drugged you and was seconds away from raping the one that saved you..That was all were my heart.. but I never got a thank you. MICHAEL..when will you realize that I been that nigga thats been riding for you..not them other dudes.

Sean turns around


Sean:dad I need some air

Sean leaves


Drake:give him some time...this has happened before and running after him will only make it worse

Tyga:but as you can the problem

Jidenna:nephew...put it like this...Sean had been so protective over you that he has even told us.....that dude that tried to rape you..hes gone because of Sean.

Jidenna goes upstairs

Tyga:is it any place he would go

Drake:Ty...where was the favorite please we used to take yall

Tyga:to the forest hill park

Drake:well go talk to would be  an eye opening experience

Tyga:ok..see you later uncle

Tyga leaves

Drake:hay bae

Jidenna:they going through the same thing all us went through

Drake:they gonna have to see the hard way

They kiss

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