Chapter 3

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Jidenna wakes up and doesnt see Drake


He picks up his phone and calls him but Drake doesnt answers then he walks in the door.

Drake:morning honey

Jidenna:morning baby

They kiss

Drake:so I got us some breakfast


They finish eating

Jidenna:imma go take a shower

Drake:can I join

Jidenna:let me think about that

Jidenna starts to strip in front of Drake

Drake:damn pa'


Drake: bae you packing

Jidenna smiles

Jidenna:oh..yeah what about you

Drake:what you want to see

Jidenna:your body

Drake takes off his clothes

Jidenna:your very sexy..and muscular n shit...

Drake:I guess..I try

Jidenna:ready to get in the shower

Drake:come on

They get in the shower


Chris walks in

Nicki:well your late

Chris:well I got you some flowers

Chris gives thw flowers to Nicki

Nicki:omg thank you!!!

Chris:you welcome wassup

Nicki:so ummm.. I called you here to tell you that..I dont want to be in a relationship right now. Maybe we can just be friends.

Chris starts smiling and laughing

Nicki:why you doing that

Chris:to keep from crying

Chris gets up

Nicki:Chris wait

Chris:Nicki..I been wanting you for years ..but I guess Im not good enough to have you.

Chris walks off.

  Drake gets out his car

Mom:hay baby

Drake:hay mom

Mom:you look happy

Drake:I do?

Mom:yep..did you dump that kangaroo nack in Australia

Drake:lol what ma?


Drake: yeah ma

Mom:Thank you Jesus

Drake:was she that bad??

Mom:hell yess....I always thought she was with you for show..I shouldve beat her ass when she came in and took theclast of the frosted flakes and didnt wash her bowl.

Drake laughs

Drake:dang..I didnt see it like that

Mom:did you ever have sex with her

Drake: ma

Mom:im serious..if you did I have to go get you tested

Drake:no a virgin..

Mom:ok...well what you need to be wit is Jidenna. Yall used to be bestfriends you.. know you,Nicki,Chris, and Jidenna..what happened?

Drake:ma..idk I mean highschool changed everybody but im not losing him again.

Mom:well Jidenna is sexy and smart!!! trying to take my man away from me just saying but  Drake he's the best decision you've made in a long time.

Drake:yeah Ik..

Nicki pulls up and gets out the car

Drake:hay Nicki..wait you been crying

Nicki:I need someone to talk to

Drake:ok..lets go inside

They go inside

Drake:what happened

Nicki:so I met with Chris and I broke his heart which kinda broke my heart now my ass is playing The Crying Game.

Drake:now Nicki...


Drake:go tell Chris how you really feel..cause you really like him and you know it

Nicki:you think hell talk to me

Drake:hell yeah he cant resist talkin to you

Nicki:ok ill call him

Drake:hell naww!!! To going to his house

Nicki:oh dear

Drake:now go


Nicki leaves

Jidenna gets in the pool

Trey:so  Not with me no more??

Jidenna:look just gwt out my house

Trey:what happened to your

Jidenna:you did this..doesnt take a genius

Trey/so..I seen him

Jidenna:seen who


Jidenna:oh ok

Trey:yall fucking yet

Jidenna:can you leave ..damn

Trey: im not leaving till I get what I came for

Jidenna:which is

Trey: you genius

Jidenna:im a stupid head give stupid head..and thats no lie

Jidenna:look I had sex with you twice willingly..the other times you forced me

Chris comes outside

Chris:leave Trey

Trey:ok.ok.. by Baby ill be back

Chris gets in the pool and Trey leaves

Chris:I told you lock the doors..o have a key remember.

Jidenna:thankz Chris

Chris:he not to stop coming either gotta tell Drake or yo momma to whoop his ass

Jidenna:my momma?

Chris:you know yo momma got them hands dont play

They laugh

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