Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Sakura groaned sleepily as she woke on her couch, and the memories of what had happened before her blackout returned to her.

She gasped as she sat up quickly, forgetting how tired she was and searching the room frantically. 


"I'm still here, Sakura, it's alright," Sasuke said calmly, sitting in the same spot she had been sketching only the day before, with his head resting against the wall and his obsidian eyes fixed on her. He was wearing the leather jacket again, now stain free from Sakura having bleached it earlier during the day.

"You bit me," she stated, brushing the two small scabs that had formed over where his fangs had pierced her. The skin there felt raw, the flesh bruised and tender to the touch.

"Yes," he replied uncertainly, almost looking worried at what she might think or say.

"Do you feel better?" she demanded, watching him closely for any hint of his strange behaviour from before he had bitten her, feeling happy that he was acting normally again.

"You're more worried about me than yourself ?" Sasuke looked at her incredulously, sitting up straight. "A vampire just bit you and drank your blood and you're still worried about me?" 

He frowned at her, leaning forward with narrowed eyes. "I don't know if you're amazing or just really stupid."

Sakura rolled her eyes as she threw her legs over the side of the sofa. 

"Did you want me to just let you die of thirst or whatever you call it?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her sarcasm. "I did what had to be done. And like you said," she smiled at him. "We bonded. It's what friends do."

"Hn," he replied, but he smirked and Sakura noticed that he looked very attractive when he did, and it sent tingles down her arms.

"I'm curious though," he said in a low voice that made the hairs on the back of Sakura's neck prickle, standing and walking slowly to the sofa before kneeling in front of her so that she needed to tilt her head to look down at him, her long hair curtaining both their faces. "It didn't take you much time to make up your mind."

"Well," Sakura said, suddenly self-conscious and trying to hide her blush with her hair. "I care about you, and seeing you in pain like that..." she trailed off uncertainly but her breath hitched when he rose and kissed her forehead gently. 

"Thank you, Sakura," he murmured as she looked up at him with surprise.

He made his way to the front door as Sakura watched him with wide eyes, too stunned to speak.

"That's all I needed to hear. It's still night so I have to leave now but I'll be back tomorrow. There are things in this city that you need to see now that you know of my kind's existence. You will need sleep. Goodnight, Sakura."

The door closed softly behind him and Sakura fell back onto the couch, suddenly feeling exhausted. Her limbs were heavy and her movements lethargic.

A side effect of being bitten, she thought, noticing how empty and lonely her apartment felt without Sasuke there. 

Sasuke the vampire. Sasuke's a vampire. The same thoughts kept ringing through her mind as she glanced at the window from over the top of the couch. Judging by the stars, she had only blacked out for a few hours. She lay back again and closed her eyes, ready to succumb to sleep once more.

I just saved the life of a vampire.


Sakura pulled on dark denim shorts, her black combat boots, and a different tank top with the Starbucks logo printed across the front. She slung her satchel over her shoulder and locked her apartment behind her.

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