Fools: Ending 2

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-Samekichis ending-

They had mannaged to stop the princess and her follwers, sealing them away, all but you. They had kept you in hopes of returning you to normal, and after a while they did, but every now and then you would slip up.

You lived on your own now, away from others in hopes of not bringing harm to them, you knew that you could harm them at any time without being aware of it. There was still part of you that loved the thought of the red sea, and at times it would show, but for the most part you had it under control unless you were in a large group of people. Then there was no telling what you would do...

You were enjoying some food in your little garden when you noticed a familiar shark making his way over to you, a small blush on your face as you looked at him. He would visit you almost every day ever since you moved, with you making R.J leave in fear of hurting him you were alone, so it was nice to have him over. But that still wouldn't subside the fear...

"Hey." He greeted as he stood next to you, you stood up and hugged him. "Hey." He hugged back before the two of you sat down, talking about how everyone was, the status of the sea and the such. " You know you don't have to be here right?" He suddenly brought up. "Samekichi, you know what can happen..." You sighed, he would bring this up every now and then at random moments, each time you would point out what can happen but.

"We all know, but we can't do anything to help if you push us away...(Name) we all miss you, so please at least give it a shot." He would persist on trying to convince you. "But-" "A week is all I'm asking, if you don't want to be there after a week then I will leave you be on this. But just give this a shot, you may just have fun and nothing will go wrong. And," He sighed before continuing. "If anything does happen then we will make sure no one gets hurt..."

You thought it over, after all you missed everyone so much, and so long as you are with one of the others those around you should be fine if anything does happen..."One week." You agreed before you went inside your home to gather some clothes for the time you would be away.


As soon as you had entered your sister's home you were tackled to the ground by a over joyed Memoca and Dolphi. "(Name)!" They exclaimed happily while you laughed at their antics. "H-hey you two, get off already!" You heard Wadanohara say before you were helped up by her. "It's good to see you nonetheless (Name)" She said before hugging you. "We all missed you.." She whispered, you could tell she was close to tears but as soon as she pulled back she hid her sadness as to not alarm anyone.

"Hey what's-" R.J stared at you in surprise before rushing over to you. "Are you okay? How have you been? Have you been taking care of yourself?-" He asked question after question before you hugged him while laughing, making him calm down. "Yes I'm fine, and even if I didn't care for myslef that butt over there wouldn't let me die." You pointed to Samekichi while he blushed.

"I-i don't know what you're going on about-" "Bullshit, who was that one who insisted that I eat, basically shoving it down my throat, when I refused to?" "Well I-" "Who was the one who made sure I didn't try to go off and die?" "Um-" You smirked at the babbling mess you turned him into. "My point exactly." You said teasingly while he refused to look at you.


The week was wonderful, despite you being worried, you didn't have a outburst the entire time. Today was your last day bunking over at your sister's house, right now you were getting ready for the day ahead of you, Samekichi had asked if you would hang out with him today. You agreed, over joyed to be able to spend some time with him, after some time you had noticed that your feelings for him grew over the past few months.

A knock at your door interrupted your thoughts, reminding you that he was literally outside your door waiting on you. "Just a moment!" You called out before opening the door, the two of you made you way to Star Isle, a basket filled with food in your hands as you both went to the view point of the island.

You two enjoyed your time together, even stayed longer than you had expected, the star fruit on the tree glowing in the moonlight as the two ove you sat next to each other looking at the beauty around you. "(Name).." He lookes at you with a blush forming on his face."Hm?" Your (e/c) orbs looked into his own deep blue ones before he continued. "Well, uh, you see I've..thought about you for a long time, and I think that.." He trialed off, his face blazing while he tried to find the words to continue, you smiled at him before shushing him. "Calm down and say it idiot." After taking a deep breath he said three words you didn't expect from him. "I love you." You were silent, processing what he said. "If you don't feel the same I-" You grabbed his face and placed a kiss on his lips, a blush of your own very apparent on you as you did so. "I love you too."

Extended ending:

Memoca snickered from the bushes as the two of you were having your moment. "Told ya he was gonna do it.~" She said to the others. "YA BETTER NOT KNOCK HER UP!!" R.J called out jokingly making the two you pull away, faces burning, before Samekichi chased after him while you shook your head.

Honestly, you were surrounded by idiots, but they were your idiots.

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