Fools: Ending 1

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-Sals ending-

Princess Uomi had fallen to princess Mikotsu that day, your friends and sister had tried all that they could to stop her and to get you back, but their attempts were all in vain. They had either had been killed, stuck in a dungeon, or had converted to the red sea.

Your sister being one of the ones to be locked away in a dungeon, you would visit her every now and then, you didn't understand why she didn't want to accept that you loved your new life. She had given up on trying to find a way out of her imprisonment, after all it was enchanted by you along with the new ruler, making it impossible for her to break free.

Samekichi was dead, Sal had requested to have him be killed in fear of him forming a rebellion amongst others. Fukami had been the first to convert among your friends, having killed dolphi and memoca when he had snapped, he was welcomed with open arms into the red sea.

And as for R.J, he was kept alive, but he was in poor condition. His body scared and bruised, clothes tattered, he would be silent unless it was only you who visited. Every now and then Sal would get a reaction out of him if he would mention just how much you loved being with him/being able to live your life as the red sea witch to the princess.

Today was like any other day, you spent time with your favorite salmon shark before heading off to do one thing or another. You headed off to go see your former familiar, you hoped that one day he would be able to be as happy as you were, but that wouldn't happen unless he gave into the red sea.

When you entered his cell you gazed at him with a slight frown, his arms and legs restricted by the chains that were attached to the wall, only allowing him to sit against the wall. You sat down in front of him, your white and red dress pooling around you, he looked at you with his head lowered. "R.J...." He flinched at the sound of your voice, it took so much not to break down In front of you, he wished nothing more than to have his old (Name) back...

"R.J-" "Just stop..." He pleaded, his voice just a whisper, cracking ever so slightly as he refused to lift his head to you. "Just...just go..." You leaned over to him and gently took his face into your hands, brushing his hair from his face before resting your forhead on his. "I want you to be please join us, it's much better than being atuck here in this little place." A faint blush on his face as his pained eyes staired into you (e/c) orbs. "How can I be happy if you're stuck like this, that you are with that bastard...(Name)...I miss the old you-"

He was interrupted but the entrance opening, revealing Sal."But can't you see that she is happier this way R.J?" He mocked surprise as leaned against the wall. The dolphin sneered at the shark, oh how he loathed the pest. "He's right R.J, compared to before, I am thrilled to be like this. And to be with Sal." You blushed as you smiled happily. "Even though he has hurt you..? Even though he forced himself on to you?" He questioned angrily while you nodded. "Even though he has done those things..I can't help but forgive him, I hope that one day you can accept this dear." You said before standing. "Shall we be going?~" Sal asked while holding onto your waist, your eyes locked on one another's before you nodded, he kisses you before the two of you left the dolphin in his cage.


Years had passed since then, eventually your sister had joined Samekichi, she had attempted to cause harm to princess Mikotsu when she had tried to convert her. Leading to her own demise much to your displeasure. You looked at the egg within your hands, a small smile on your face as your hand rubbed it's smooth surface. This would be yours and Sals first child, it was only a matter of time before it would hatch, neither of you knew if the child would be male or female but in the end you didn't care you just wanted a healthy and happy child.

Two arms wrapped around your waist as you felt his head rest on your shoulder. "Well hello there.~" You said before placing a kiss on your lover's cheek, a smile on his face as he gazed at you and your guy's child. "Any signs of our newest member coming?" He asked, hope showing in his voice. "Not today, but of you listen closely you can hear slight noises." You wondered if the child would be like you or him, would they have you hair and his eyes? His shark appearance? Would they be able to learn magic? All of these thoughts were on your mind but one thing is certain.
Boy or girl, shark or not, you couldn't be happier with how things turned out for the two of you.

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