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You looked through one of your many spell books, catching up on a few spells that you hadn't used for quite a while, Wadanohara was playing the piano down stairs. It was nice, your life was calm but it was starting to bore you,  which is why you are going to be heading to the surface soon. With the barrier up and at least one of you here there was no reason for you to not leave.

A knock came from the door. "Hey, the princess needs to speak with you and your sister ." R.J said from the other side before he opened the door. Putting the book away you walked out of the room, a slight smile on your face as you saw your familiar. "Would you like to join us then?" "If I didn't you would end up bored, of course I'm joining. " He knew that at times you couldn't stand your sister, not every sibling can withstand being with the other every day. 

A bit later the three of you were walking down the long path, Wadanohara trying to start a conversation with you as you were nodding every now and again. R.J keeping up with your pace, sometimes directing you in the right area since he knew you had spaced out some time ago.
Once at the palace R.J said he would be outside if needed before you both went through the many flights of stairs. With a nod you began to walk, your sister keeping up with your pace. By the time you reached the room you both were stopped by Tatsumiya,  she told you that the placement of the sacred sword had been moved, and that no one was to know other than you two. With that you were dismissed, leaving the whole day for you to do as you pleased.

As soon as you and Wadanohara stepped outside you were greeted by R.J, Samekichi was out for the day saying that he would return during later that evening. You thought it was a bit off but then again he was probably just doing something for your sister.
"What do you want to do now (Name)?" She asked while you guys were heading home. "I was about to go to the surface, if you want you can join." You said before yawning. "How about you rest a bit before we go." R.J suggested with a worried look on his face. "I'm fine, just a bit tired." You said while rubbing your eyes. "Maybe we should, after all you might be more tired once we get to the house." Wadanohara said. "I said I'm fine." You chuckled slightly at them, at least they cared.

"(Name), Wadanohara! " Not too far away was Sal, the shark was a friend to the two of you, but sometimes you would catch him staring. The look would give you would send shivers down your spine, hunger those crimson eyes held, but you would just tell yourself that you didn't see it. You haven't seen him in any form other than his usual shark appearance, which made you curious as to how he would look if he had a humanoid form. For all you knew he couldn't change his form, having no magic capabilities or at least never showed you or your sister.

"Hey Sal!" Wadanohara greeted happily as you offered a slight smile and a nod. "Hello." You said, you hated that you were a bit of an introvert but it couldn't be helped. "Where are you guys heading?" He asked cheerfully. "Just heading to the surface for a bit." You said. "Do you guys want a ride? I can get you there fast." He offered. "I can get (Name) there, you two can go ahead. " R.J stated rather coldly, his face void of emotion as he moved closer to you. "Really? If you say so." The other said, seeming disappointed but went ahead of the two of you without an objection.
"I don't trust him..." R.J said as he shifted his form so that he could get you to the surface. "As do I, but until he does anything to show that he can't be trusted I am just going to be polite. There Isn't a reason to be rude to him. Yet." You felt like you and the shark got along nicely, but there would always be a feeling of dread,  that he was planning something.

If only you knew...

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