Time for a reunion!

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The time machine's door swung open and out jumped a time lord that could easily be mistaken for a five-year-old child. Sherlock smiled as he turned to face the Doctor. 

After a moment Sherlock spoke, "I appreciate you trying to rescue me and all Doctor but I am rather fixed on saving my friends, John, Lestrade and Mrs. Hudson." The Doctor continued bouncing around with pride and success while the consulting detective just stared at him blankly.. 

"We have already taken care of that!" The Doctor beamed happily. He clapped his hands together and took a couple of steps (or rather skips) forward. Sherlock went to step off the ledge back onto the building but stopped himself quickly."You say you've saved my friends, but how exactly because Moriarty is dead and therefore he cannot call off the assassins?" Sherlock questioned gesturing vaguely to the body between them. 

"The Winchesters! Yeah and Castiel!" The Doctor half shouted with excitement, not really answering Sherlock's question. The detective then gave the Doctor one of his famous are-you-serious kinds of looks. "...Oh yes well the Winchesters and Castiel each took an assassin and eliminated that risk, John, Mrs Hudson and Lestrade are all safe back at Baker Street" The time lord explained. Sherlock finally relaxed his shoulders and jumped off the ledge. 

" Well I guess a thanks are in order" The consulting detective smiled gratefully. 

"Trust me, you being alive is thanks enough!" The Doctor huffed before walking over to Sherlock and pulling him into a hug. Sherlock was quite awkward about it, at first he didn't even move as the Doctor wrapped his arms around his stomach. Then Sherlock awkwardly raised his hands and patted the time lord on the back.  

Suddenly the Doctor jumped away, "Needs some work!" He evaluated laughing at his own joke, Sherlock just snorted obviously not amused. "Now there is someone that is really looking forward to seeing you" the time lord hinted. 

Sherlock frowed his brows, "No one ever really looks forward to being in my presence, not that I like being in theirs, well apart from John's" he thought, smiling at the thought of John. 

"John wants to see you!" The Doctor laughed before adopting a confused look, "well wait, it's not like he's going to be as excited because the next four months haven't happened now, so the John that would have been excited to see you doesn't exist. Well I guess this John might be happy to see you, who knows!" Sometimes the Doctor was great at explaining wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimey stuff, this however was not one of them times. 

"What?" Sherlock, the genius, asked genuinely lost. 

"None of that matters now, we should just get you back to Baker Street and back to John" the Doctor exclaimed. The past couple of days had been a mess, so lets just say that the idea of going home and seeing John was very appealing to Sherlock. 

"Sure Doctor" Sherlock answered as he followed the Doctor into the TARDIS. 


The atmosphere back at Baker Street was pretty gloomy and depressive despite the fact that they had just saved the day, John sat in his usual armchair surrounded by his friends; Dean, Sam, Castiel, Lestrade and Mrs Hudson but not Sherlock, not yet at least. They all stood and sat around the lounge room except for Mrs Hudson who was making tea and snacks in the kitchen. Sam was leaning against the fireplace, Lestrade stood by the window and Dean and Castiel sat together on the couch. When John had arrived at the flat earlier in search for Mrs Hudson because he thought she had been shot he actually discovered that his landlady was fine and the Winchesters, Castiel and Lestrade were all waiting for him. John's friends explained everything to him, Moriarty's trick, the assassins, Sherlock's plan to protect him and where the Doctor currently was. At first John was pleased to know that his friend would be fine and all of this Moriarty business was cleared up but he quickly realised what a jerk he had been to Sherlock and he felt awful about it.  

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