Chapter 3 (edited)

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this ain't the right time for you to fall in love with me
baby i'm just being honest
-The Weeknd ft Ed sheeran•Dark times
the sun shined through the blinds and i rolled over clicking on twitter, deciding I would answer some DM's but all I saw was hate tweets.

@lovelyliam: Woah Harry looked extra fat the other night at Ben and Jerry's, Stocking up harry? Planning on eating the world away?

@69reasonswhy: Why did Simon put Harry into One direction, we all know he's a shitty singer and not to mention how fucking ugly he is.

Tears welled in my eyes and dropped onto my phone screen, I wanted to stop reading them but I just couldn't

@itslitkk: Harry Styles; A worthless piece of shit, why doesn't he just die already

Tears feel down my cheeks as i scrolled through my feed to observed in my phone to hear the front door opened

"Harry, Love? How are ya?" he called through the house. I hopped up from the couch running over to him and hugging him

"m okay" I sniffled

he pulled me into a even tighter hug, rubbing my back "it's alright babe"

i let out a sob while he kissed the side of my head as i wiped my tears

"hey, it's okay" he whispered and wiped them for me "i love you so much harry"

"i love you more"

we stood in silence, his arms wrapped around my back while i silently cried "do you wanna talk about it?"

i shook my head "no but i know i should"

he grabbed my face as we pulled away and gave me a sad smile and came onto his tip toes to plant a kiss on the forehead. he gestured for me to go on as we sat down on the couch

"i don't even know louis, i just - hate tweets are so easy to find. there's so many of them?" i sobbed "and they're right? i don't belong in the band, i'm ugly and fat and i don't deserve-"

"harry baby" he grabbed my hands and rotated so he was sitting criss cross on the couch facing me. he set our hands in his lap and wiped away my tears. "i know whatever i say isn't going to change how you feel about yourself but you're perfect. you're the most perfect person i know. but with what your saying i think the first thing we can do is social media off your phone okay?"

i wiped away tears and nodded "but the fans who like me-"

"baby, they'll understand you need a break. we all need a break sometimes , social media sucks and taking a break from it is a good thing"

i nodded and he pulled me into a hug where we both eventually fell asleep

Angels deserve to die-Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now