chapter 14 (edited)

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i woke up tangled in bed with louis. i felt okay, not amazing but just fine which i couldn't complain about. the thoughts of self harming weren't thetr right away as they had been the past 3 days. i looked over to louis, he was sleeping still with his mouth slightly open slowly breathing. i snuggled back into him relishing in this moment of bliss.

we stayed like that for a few moments and his eyes slowly fluttered open "good morning baby" he mumbled in his morning voice that i loved so much. i nestled my head into his chest "how are you feeling today h" louis said as he curled into me, giving me a massive hug

"i'm okay" i said "truly" i reached my face up to his and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"i'm glad" louis said with a small smile before he rolled over and walked into the bathroom. i sat up and scrolled brefiley through my phone. tomorrow was our last concert of the tour and i was ready to get back to home with louis. he opened the door and welcomed me into the bathroom with him, supervised bathroom time was something we briefly talked about after my breakdown 2 days ago. i actually brought it up to louis, im less likely to try to self harm if i'm always with someone else. it's not like he hasn't seen everything about me already.

"you're sure you're okay today?" he said watching me brush my teeth while he sat on the side of the bath tub and i nodded. "scale of one to ten with self harm thoughts?"

this became part of our morning routine, this question "four, i think. it's there but not a whole lot"

louis grabbed his tee shirt off the counter and slid it over his head before coming up behind me, hugging me, and placing his head on my shoulder "i love you and i'm so proud of you"

i smiled at him in the mirror "i love you too"

"so i wanted to take you out today, if that's okay with you? i was thinking we can go get brunch?" louis asked while looking at me in the mirror and i nodded "just let me get dressed okay?"
we finished at brunch and louis drove us to a park with a large lake where we walked a few laps without saying much other than holding hands.

"hey harry?" louis said, pausing walking in front of a gazebo overlooking the lake. i turned to face him and he grabbed my hand and led me into the gazebo.

"harry, i love you more than anything in my life. you make me so incredibly happy and everything we've been through together has only made us stronger. i want to spend the entirety of my life with you, will you marry me harry?"

my eyes welled with tears "oh my god yes louis" i engulfed him in a massive hug before kissing him while we both cried. "i love you so much" i said through tears

"i'm so happy to spend the rest of my life with you" i sajd

the end

Angels deserve to die-Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now