You get jealous

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A/N: im such a horrible person. for some reason every time i go to update this book literally everything i write sucks. sorry loves xx


Steve and I were out on a walk. We were strolling through the park, hand-in-hand. The weather had cooled down a bit, apart from the extreme heat, and we were taking advantage of it. 

"Oh, by the way, I want to-"

"Hey, hot stuff!" A feminine voice called out. I raised my eyebrows, turning around to see a red-head standing next to her friend. They were giggling childishly and staring at Steve. My boyfriend. Mine. I whipped around, a stone-cold glare on my face. 

"Excuse me?" I asked sternly.

"I was talking to him." She retorted with an attitude of a ten year old. 

I placed a hand on my hip, scoffing. I still held on to Steve's hand, pulling him to my side possessively. I raised our clasped fingers, holding it out for her to see.

"He's taken, honey." I growled. "And, by the way, don't cat-call, at anyone. It's rude and immature." I added, briskly turning around and pulling Steve with me. 

"Take it easy, doll." Steve chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to my temple. I huffed, rolling my eyes. 

"That was so rude and..." I ended my sentence with a sigh. "Whatever. You're all mine." I cooed, standing on my tip-toes as we walked, pecking his lips with a smile. 

"You got that right." Steve chuckled, tightening his hold on my hand. 


No surprise when girls flocked around Tony. Everywhere we went, there were fan-girls, female reporters, old one-night stands. It didn't phase me too much anymore. Some days, I handled it better than others. Today was not one of those days. 

Tony and I were trying to relax in his pool when a bunch of reporters starting flashing their cameras. We ignored it at first, but then they started yelling for Tony. All I wanted was a nice, peaceful afternoon. It was the the third time this week that someone had interrupted our time together. I groaned in aggravation, pushing myself out of the pool. I leaned over the balcony, sighing. 

"We want Tony!" A woman screamed. 

"Too bad! He's all mine!" I yelled. 

I stomped back over to the pool, grabbing a bucket and filling it with pool water. I dumped it over the balcony, sighing contently as they all squealed and ran off. I dropped the bucket on the ground, cannon-balling back into the pool. I swam back up, poking my head above the water. I noticed Tony was smirking at me. 

"What?" I asked innocently. 

"You're adorable." Tony said simply, swimming over toward me to peck my lips. I giggled, brushing his wet hair back with one of my hands. 

"I know."


Bruce didn't always attract many women, but it wasn't rare. We were at lunch when I had excused myself to go the bathroom; and when I came back, I didn't like what I saw. Our waitress was leaning over the table, flirting with Bruce. He seemed so uncomfortable but was too polite to say anything. Me? Well, that was a different story. 

"Excuse me." I tapped her shoulder. "Unless you're giving us our meals, you can leave." 

She stood up straight, glaring at me. 

"I'd like another waiter. Preferably one that won't flirt with my boyfriend." I said, matter-of-factly. She huffed, walking away angrily. I sat down in my chair, smirking softly at Bruce.

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