First kiss

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Steve had invited me on another date. We walked to a little field close to my house, a blanket and picnic box in hand. Steve laid out the towel while I set out the plates and arranged the food. Once it was all set, I smiled, placing my hands on my hips proudly. I grabbed my phone, ready to snap another picture. Before I could even open the camera, Steve shouted a warning at me.

"Y/N, watch out!" Steve yelled, laughing slightly at the sight in front of him.

Apparently, a bird had seen the food and dove down to steal some, ramming into my head instead. I squealed, falling down and landing on Steve. He fell with me, laying on his back, holding himself up using his elbows. I was sprawled across his body, both of my hands on either side of his torso. I realize how close our faces were, and blushed. For some reason, however, neither of us could pull away. Instead, he used one of his hands to cup my cheek, leaning in slightly. I stared in his eyes, breathing heavily. My eyes flickered from his lips, back to his eyes. Steve did the same before slowly leaning in and closing the distance. The second our lips connected, my stomach exploded with a million butterflies. After a few seconds of the slow, gentle kiss, he pulled away, a small smile etched across his features.

"Oh." I whispered, smiling back as I pulled myself up to sit on my knees. Steve sat slightly next to me, a blush on his cheeks as he wrapped arm around my waist. I snuggled into his side, allowing myself to peck his lips again after grabbing my phone and snapping a picture of our picnic.


Tony had himself locked in his lab. It had been almost three days. If he had left, it was at night, because otherwise, I never saw him. He had even gone so far to lock the doors and change the pass-code. I sighed, having enough of this madness.

"JARVIS, can you please unlock the lab doors? I'm worried about Tony." I asked, praying he'd say yes.

"Of course. Mr. Stark ordered me to keep you out, but I am also worried for his health."

I smiled thankfully, walking down to his lab and inside.

"JARVIS, I told you not to let her in!" He yelled, bursting from his original form that was bent over his papers and other work.

"Tony, I'm worried about you. You haven't come out of here in days." I said sternly, my voice loud and unwavering.

"I'm busy!" He shot back. I remained unfazed, determined to get him out of this working haze.

"No. You're taking a break. You need to sleep and eat. JARVIS, what are his health levels?"

"Mr. Stark is dehydrated, famished, and sleep-deprived."

I raised my eyebrows, giving him an "I-told-you-so" look.

"Tony, please." I said softly, walking toward him. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing circles on his back.

He made a small whimper, stuffing his face in the crook of my neck.

I peeled back from the hug slightly, leaning in and pecking his lips, lingering for a few seconds. Tony smiled lightly, leaning in for another kiss. I complied, moving my hands so they were tangled in his hair. He gripped my hip with one hand, the other tightened around my waist.

"Can you please get some food, water and sleep?" I whispered after releasing my lips from his. Tony nodded, wrapping his hand around mine as we walked upstairs.


Tony had invited Bruce and I over for a few drinks. The entire time, Tony had been teasing Bruce about our relationship. Finally, Bruce had enough, gripping my wrist and pulling me to the car. I knew he had been stressed all day because of work, so this wasn't a good sign. I shot Tony a glare as we left, gently squeezing Bruce's hand. As I began driving, I noticed him flexing his fist and breathing heavily.

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