chapter 29

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Hiccup opened his eyes and saw his beautiful girlfriend and soon to be wife hopefully sleeping peacefully bedside him. He had planed the way he was going to propose before he went to sleep.

He smiled thinking the moment of their wedding , Elsa becoming a haddock and having their kid.

He started to shake his girlfriend a little.

" els , els wake up " he whispered

" why? " she asked with her sleepy tone

" we have to get early to the final lesson " he whispered

" but either of us want to go there , so what's the point? " again with the sleepy tone , her eyes still closed

" I know but who knows how my father will react if he doesn't see me there "

" but the baby and I want to sleep "

" how did you know what the baby thinks? It doesn't have a mind yet "

" because I'm the mother and I'm carrying it "

" fine then , I guess I'll have to wake you up in another form "

" mm-hmm " she said and kept sleeping

He slowly got out of bed to elsa's side. He picked her up and started to spin her around.

" hiccup put me down! " she yelled playfully

" are you awake? " he asked

" yes I'm wide awake! " she yelled once again playfully

He stopped and putted her back the bed.

" I hate you " she said playfully

" no you don't , you love me "

" yes I do , even the parts that are missing "

" I love you too , even the extra "

She glared at him playfully and gave him a peck on the lips.

" come on let's get ready " he said

They both got in their clothes and went to the academy , where the whole village waited.

" wait " Elsa grabbed hiccup's arm before he entered and she would go to the bleachers

" you okay? " he asked

" you won't kill it , right? "

He putyed one of his hands on her cheek " no , I won't , I'll just have to pretend while I make it faint without anyone noticing. I've done it before , how hard can it be? " he took off his hand from her cheek and shrugged

" yeah but the whole village wasn't looking at you while you did that only the other students " she said

" don't worry els , I won't kill that dragon "

She smiled " okay "

He grabbed her hand and kissed it " see you after the lesson milady "

She giggled and went to the bleachers. She standed next to valka such was next to stoick.

Stoick looked at her stomach then sighed , he looked back at the arena where hiccup was entering.

He looked at Elsa and gave her a reassuring smile which she retuned with a smile also.

" choose your weapon! " gobber yelled

Hiccup grabbed a shield and took his fire sword from his armor.

" I'd choose the hammer I were you! " stoick yelled pretending another person yelled that

Hiccup knew his father yelled back , but he acted as he'd knew nothing " but you're not! " he spat

" very well then " gobber said " today you will be fighting a monstrous nightmare! "

When he said that Elsa remembered about jack , she wondered if he's still missing or is already at home again.

Hiccup sighed and got in a protecting position with his shield on front and his sword at his back.

The cage gates opened and the monstrous nightmare came to the arena.

He seemed familiar to Elsa , she studied him a little more until she realized who that dragon was.
" impossible " she whispered

Dragons and vikings ~•hiccelsa~• { Completed } [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now