chapter 17

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I walk into the public dinning room where we all eat and everyone kept staring at me.

I laugh nervously and walked fast to my table and sat down with the others.

" what's going on? Why is everyone looking at me? " I ask

" they've been talking about you and Elsa since she got here and when you left with her " fishlegs explained

" what happened to her? " astrid asked

" don't know , she said she just felt pain in her stomach and had to go out for fresh air " I lied

" is she coming back? " snoutlout asked with a smirk on his face

" yeah is she? " tuffnutt asked , also with a smirk on his face

" she isn't , I sent her to my house so she could sleep "

" oh " both tuffnutt and snoutlout said

" why is she sleeping out your house? " fishlegs asked

" because she's his girlfriend " gobber cut me off " what did you thought? That she would sleep in any of your houses? " he asked and laughed

" that wouldn't be a bad idea " snoutlout mumbled

Son of a bitch! Elsa's mine! M.I.N.E , mine! Not yours! Mine!

But of course being me I won't show any signs that I really want to beat this guy's ass I just laughed and raised a brow.

" what? " he asked

" let me the!l you something " I looked down then to them " if any Of you three ever try to touch , hurt or do anything to Elsa i swear for Odin's beard I'll hunt you Down and won't stop until you suffer the double of what Elsa did , am I clear? "

" crystal " The all said in unsion

" good "

I smile not showing my teeth.

" you really love her , don't you hiccup? " astrid asked

" of course I do , She's the best thing that has happened to me "

She raised a brow.

I know what she was thinking , what about me?

" astrid I know what you're thinking and no offense but you're nothing like Elsa , when we were in a relationship you would calk me stupid , annoying , worthless and other names , you would ditch me and go do other things , sometimes when I talked you would cover your ears with your hands and start saying la la la la over and over again. Astrid do you really think that's how a girlfriend supposed to treat her boyfriend? "

She went silent.

" Elsa does none of that , she will always look for the best for me and I will look for the best for her and most importantly she loves me "

" I love you " she said

" excuse me what? "

" I mean I loved you , when we were a couple "

" well you sure didn't know how to show it "

" sure I did "

" astrid you used me for a bet "

" that doesn't prove anything "

" do I have to explain everything you did to me again? "

She went silent again.

" exactly , I'll see you tomorrow " I got up my chair

" where are you going? " astrid asked

" to my girlfriend "

With that I left everyone and went to my house.

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