The Fun Day

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We both march back to our doors and I open mine well Connor is trying to ram into his. I set down the mail and take my jacket off. I slip off my Sperry's and run to grandma's room.

"Grandma," I say entering the room. "Grandpa sent you something".

Grandma turns around and her hair is a wild mess. Half of it is sticking up and the other half is matted down.

"Morning hair sweetheart," she says taking the envelope out of my hands.

I nod and smile as I walk out of the room. I walk into the kitchen to find aunt Brena with Ella strapped into a baby carrier on aunt Brena's chest.

"Your parents just went to see Gia, she hasn't been doing good so they didn't take you for health reasons," aunt Brena finishes shaking a bottle.

I slump in one of the couches and sigh. Aunt Brena sits next to me with gurgling Ella along with her.

"Don't worry, you have the whole day to do nothing..relax kid. I haven't seen a kid work so hard in my life".

Aunt Brena was right, I have been working non stop...I guess I do deserve a break. I smiled at her and she winked back. I ran to my bedroom to find something to change into. Today was the day that it would be Nikki Connor day, no one else day. I threw on a t-shirt and a pair of yoga stretch pants. I ran from my room to the foyer, grabbed my jacket and slammed the door. I knocked on Connor's door and his older sister answered.

"Hi Mick," I say waving.

"Sup perks,Connor your girlfriend's here," Mick shouted.

"You have a girlfriend," I could hear Mrs.Spears say.

"Mom we have been through this....NO! Nikki is just a good friend of mine... geez," Connor replied.

I tapped my toe while I was waiting for Mr. Slowpoke to get up off the couch. Seriously,how long does it take to get off your lazy butt?

"Hi," he smiled.

"Ready for a little Nikki Connor day", I asked using jazz hands.

Connor beamed, "I've been ready long enough".

He closed the door behind him and we walked to my door.

"So what are we going to do on this fine rainy day," Connor asked waving his hands around like the rain.

"Whatever little Connor's heart desires," I laughed stumbling forward.

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