We're going to fight

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"Nikki honey, can I come in," dad spoke through the door.

"Why didn't you tell me," I raged. "I thought you and mom told me everything that was going to happen to me, and who's the "Gia Bo Bia", huh? Yeah I found out which I already should've found out but no, no you didn't tell me. Do you even realize how big this is? It's HUGE dad, HUGE! Now if you could explain I might let you in,".

"Fine," dad mumbled. I could tell that he was starting to get angry. "So your mom and I did this program for these kids, and these kids have cancer. So we thought that we should join and help make a difference in a little kid's life. Gia has a blood cancer and she is fighting strong, real strong which we want. Her parents decided that they could just runaway and everything would be fine for Gia. Well, no so your mom and I decided that we would help this little girl fight but also adopt her. Okay now can I come in,"?

I stood in shock as I was listening to dad. How could I be so selfish. I should've just asked before I got all worked up. I opened the door to see dad standing in the hallway.

"What about our move," I asked not meeting his eyes.

He sighed, "That's why we're moving in three months".

I tapped my toe in thought. I really wanted to meet this little girl. So I might as well ask dad.

"Dad," I said fiddling with a piece of string. "Can I meet Gia"?

Dad smiled, "We can meet her tomorrow if you want to".

I nodded and smiled. He smiled back and we hugged. I was going to make this little girl fight, fight hard, kick cancers bottom no matter what it toke.

The next day when I woke up I picked up my computer and started doing some research. I yawned as I started my pink Apple Mac. I check the time on my clock, 7:00 am welcome to the school life. My internet popped up and I started typing like crazy. I popped in t-shirt design online. Websites everywhere popped up. Hmmmm... I scanned through five till I found a really nice website. The website's name was Paint-A-Shirt. I click on the link and a plain t-shirt popped up. I checked what the colors were for Gia. Every cancer has a ribbon color and her's was gold and black. I tapped on the little color black and POOF, the shirt turned black. "Easy enough" I thought. Then I typed in the text box "Gia Bo Bia's Girls and Guys", which I turned into gold. I smiled. I'm ready to help this girl to the top! The final design was a black shirt with gold lettering that said "Gia Bo Bia's Girls and Guys" with a silver crown on the end of it. Then I hit the order button. These shirts we're going to be purchased for good, for Gia, for me, for everyone.

"Good morning sweet cheeks," mom said as she kissed my head.

"Good morning" I smiled as I hugged her.

After we finished hugging I walked to the pantry, on the side was a picture. Two pictures! One of a girl with pretty brown hair and another one with the girl bald. I stared at the picture, could this be the "Gia Bo Bia"? This sweet precious girl?

"BOO!," someone said shaking my shoulders.

I screamed and hit the person behind me with my hand. I turned around to find aunt Brena bending over in pain.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry are you okay," I asked looking at her from an angle.

"Yeah,I just think I'm........BOO", she screamed in my face.

I screamed and leaped back. All of as sudden dad appeared in his robe with a frying pan ready to attack. Aunt Brena and I saw him and burst into a fit of laughter. We laughed so hard that we fell on the ground. Dad pulled his robe strap tighter and said some mumble gumble. Aunt Brena and I stood up with cheeks stained of tears.

"Oh my gosh," I huffed with a shaky voice.

After aunt Brena and I calmed to our regular heart rate then we went to get dressed to meet Gia. I walked to my closet and pulled out a sweatshirt and yoga pants and slipped them on. I pulled my brownish thick hair into a pretty bun with a ribbon and a purple headband. I smiled at myself in the mirror and walked to the living room.

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