The Big Practice

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"Wake up sleepy," a voice said shaking me.

I opened my eyes quickly to see mom in a leotard and sweatpants.

"We got to get this show on the road," she said clapping her hands. "We perform in 2 weeks so let's get moving. Oh, and meet me in the kitchen in ten".

I rolled out of bed and threw on a leotard and a pair of cheetah print booty shorts. Today was a big day, understatement...... I should say a huge day! I slapped a headband on and tied my hair into a ponytail. Almost forgot the finishing touch, a bow! I fastened it in and walked into the kitchen with my N bag banging against my side. I dropped my bag and hopped on one of the breakfast bar stools.

"Fresh eggs and bacon with a yogurt to top it off," mom smiled sliding the plate across the counter so I could reach it.

Everything looked so good! The yellow yolks were bouncing like yellow super balls from the market up street and the bacon was as sizzling hot as the sun frying your skin.

"How's the mother's cooking skills," mom asked leaning over the counter.

I gave her a thumbs up and she laughed. All of a sudden there was a plink sound from the hallway. Mom and I turned our heads to see a lady with a purple robe come down the hallway. We exchanged glances and got off the stools. Mom grabbed her phone and a bat and we headed down the hallway. The third door was opened and we peeked in. There was a lady with a purple robe and pink nightgown in our room! She had puffy cream colored hair and wire glasses.

I stepped forward and asked, "Grandma".

The lady turned so fast that she fell. It was grandma! Mom threw her stuff down and ran to help her up.

"Mary Jean what in the world are you doing here," mom asked grabbing one of her hands.

Grandma smoothed herself and smiled, "To see a good show".

Mom and I looked at each other and she go the clue. Something was up, and grandma knew about it. We smiled and let grandma change in peace. We closed the door and walked to the kitchen.

"What is your grandmother doing," mom asks picking up her fork.

I picked up my fork and replied, "Something crazy and I don't want to get even involved".

We laughed and finished eating our delicious breakfast. I ran to my room to get my North Face when dad stopped me completely in the hallway.

"Why is my mother in Ella's room," he asked.

"Bets me ask her, all she said to us was to watch a good show," I shrugged.

He just stands there and I just look at him like he has just lost his mind. I slip my jacket on and walk to the foyer and wait for mom. I zip up my jacket and mom turns into the foyer.

"You ready," she asks slipping on her fuzzy gloves.

I nod and she opens the door. Today was the day, the day that everything was going to be at stake. We walked out of the lobby and our car was pulled up at the door. Mom got in the driver seat and I got in the passenger seat and mom sped off towards Broadway. We stopped in front of the building and a nice lady took our car up the parking garage. Mom pulled the door and everything went crazy in my head. We were here on Broadway performing for a girl my age. This was insane!

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