Author's Note

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The Voyage of Thirteen ended with that. The story continues at the Return of Twelve. (I knew someone tought there's another chapter XD) Thank you guys for those who always read and wait. I had fun writing this story and I hope I still have time to make the sequel. I realize the votes and the readers are increasing. So thank you. Hope you guys read and enjoy my story. If you had any comments or if you want to suggest anything, feel free.

For the titles of the upcoming books I had to make related to The Voyage of Thirteen are below. Descriptions are included, and if you guys wanted to help me add some characters or new ideas for the next stories, I'll be glad.

· The Return of Twelve- Greyson went to Australia to get Clara and his pendant. Fifteen and Eleven both went to Europe to find Twelve. Find out the new characters who will take part in the story.

· The Voyage of Thirteen; The Lost Files: Eleventh Symbol- What really happened with Eleven and Leighn back before she was jailed in a Mogadorian base in Philippines? Find out and know her real story.

· The Truth of Fifteen- They found Fourteen, but what's going to happen will lead them to friendship and to loss. Find out the truth about Fifteen and why she consider herself as 'dark'. Is it already time for them to meet the Garde?

· The Voyage of Thirteen; The Lost Files: Fourteenth Symbol- Discover Fourteen's history and what happened to him when he made a signal to Greyson, Fifteen and Rex in the first book.

Hope I'll finish those stories in no time. Of course, I need your supports to make it possible. I'm not as fast as the Lorics when it comes to writing, but I hope it will happen. All of it. So don't forget to follow me, vote for every chapter if possible, and share it to others. I'll be happy to hear responses from you guys.

And btw, the photo above this is my own cover for the publishing of my book. Sadly, I'll just print it for my friend because my story is not a real book. It's a fanfic, but I don't know if it's publishable. I don't own some of the characters. (And I already revised the story again, just the grammars tho. I saved one as a pdf file.)

Just message me for any questions. Have fun you guys, and may Lorien always be with you. :)

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