Ch. 7 : Why You Do Dis Lachlan?! WHY?!

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Sydney's POV
"Hey! Put me down!" I tried to flail in the persons grip but it was no use.
The person carried me back to the porch where the others were talking.
"Come on, get off of me!" Jerome said.
"Did they get you too, Jerome?" I asked as the person carrying me stopped walking right near his voice.
"Yeah, I see Lachlan snagged you too. I guess that wasn't the best plan." Jerome replied.
So Lachlan is the one carrying me.
"No shit, Sherlock." I smirked.
"So, what are we gonna do with them?" Ian asked.
"Well, we can't throw her in the pool since she can't swim but we could throw him in." Vikk suggested.
"Oh come on, but this is my favorite jersey!" Jerome whined.
"Dude, shut up or I will shove a dirty sock in your mouth." Ryan said.
"I gotta agree with Batman on this one. You're just giving them more of a reason to throw you in just so they can ruin one of your most favorite things." I said.
"You shut up too, I will shove a sock in your mouth as well." Ryan warned.
I immediately stopped talking. The guys, however,  just kept talking about how they were gonna prank us while we were right there! Soon enough, I fell asleep on Lachlan's shoulder.
I was woken up a while later when someone said, "And this is a sleeping baby bacca."
Their voice sounded very close to me and I opened my eyes sleepily. Mitch stood in front of me recording me with his phone.
"Mitch, what the heck are you doing?" I asked sleepily.
"Vlogging." He shrugged as he put the phone right in my face.
"Okay, okay, jeez. Get outta my face." I pushed the phone back.
"Alright guys, hope you all enjoyed seeing a bacca handcuffed to a chair and a sleeping baby bacca." Mitch said.
"Why do you guys call me a baby? I'm not that much younger than you." I tried to reason.
"Doesn't matter how much younger you are than us, it only matters that you are the youngest one here and also the fact that you're Jerome's sister. Since we call Jerome bacca, we have to call you baby bacca." Preston explained.
"Yes, exactly. Anyways, see ya guys later. Bye." Mitch ended his video.
He turned back to me.
"Did you know that you sing in your sleep?" He asked.
"I do?" I asked.
"Yeah." The others agreed.
"We heard you mumbling something and then we figured out that you were singing." Lachlan said.
"Oh." Was all I could say.
"Yep, and as part of our revenge, you have to sing one song for us, then Lachlan will take you off of his shoulder." Mitch smirked.
I groaned and dropped my head.
"So, choose a song and get singing." Mitch said.
I thought about songs I know all the lyrics to. There was really only one and it was Little Things by One Direction. I had just sung it for my best friend, Sky, for her birthday a few days ago. Oh shit, I forgot about Sky. I didn't tell her I moved. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fuck!
"Syd?" Mitch asked while snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Huh?" I asked.
"You just started mumbling fuck over and over again. What's wrong?" He replied.
"I forgot to tell my best friend that I moved." I answered.
"Oh, you can call them tomorrow. Now sing!" Mitch said.
"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me, but bear this is mind it was meant to be......." I sung the entire song.
After I finished, there was complete silence.
"Holy. Shit." Jerome said.
"Sydney, how old are you, again?" Preston asked.
"13." I replied.
"Well, at least I know that you definitely got Dad's genes." Jerome said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Dad is a pretty good singer. I suck at singing, you definitely have his genes." Jerome answered.
"Oh." Was all I said.
"You didn't sound like you were 13. You sounded like you were a 20 year old professional singer." Preston said.
"No I didn't, I'm not a good singer." I denied.
"Yes you are!" Mitch said.
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"YES!" Mitch and I argued back and forth.
"Oh shut up already! Syd, you aren't a good singer. You're a GREAT singer. You gotta try out for chorus once you get in school." Jerome stopped our argument.
I immediately tensed up. I hated school, with a passion.
"School?" I groaned.
"Yeah, you're gonna start Monday." Jerome replied.
Monday. It's Friday so I only have tomorrow and Sunday before the torture starts. Fuck.
"Lachlan can you just put me down now? I sang the song. You guys said you would let me down once I sang." I said.
"No, I said I would take you off my shoulder. I never said I would let you down." Lachlan replied.
I could imagine the devilish smirk that must've been plastered on his face.
"What do you mean?" I asked hesitantly.
"You're just going to someone else's shoulder." Lachlan replied.
"Oh come on!" I argued.
Lachlan reached up, grabbed my waist, and lifted me up. He carried me over to Mitch and put me on Mitch's shoulder.
"Yay, your shoulder isn't as bony as his." I said happily.
"Ha, she likes me better than you Lachlan." Mitch teased.
"No, it's just that your shoulder doesn't hurt." I replied.
"Shh! They don't need to know that." Mitch smacked my leg lightly.
Suddenly, I smelt smoke and I immediately stopped smiling.
"Guys, why do I smell smoke?!" I asked, panicked.
"Oh, cause we have a campfire going." Vikk said.
"Yep, we're making s'mores." Ryan added.
"Ooh, can I have a s'more?" I asked excitedly.
"No." Everyone said.
"Aw, why not?" I asked.
"Cause that's part of our revenge." Rob said.
"Trust me, Syd, you're getting off easy." Jerome replied.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Mitch, why don't you turn around and show her?" Ian said.
Mitch turned around so I could see the other guys. They were all sitting around a campfire. Jerome was sitting on the ground with his arms above his head, handcuffed to a patio chair that Ryan was currently sitting in. He also looked like he was dripping wet but his jersey had been taken off already. I gotta say, he did have abs. I raised my eyebrows questioningly.
"They decided to throw me in the pool, put an entire cup full of ice cubes down my shorts, and then handcuff me to this chair." Jerome explained.
"Fun. All I've had to do is sleep on someone's shoulder for the past," I looked at my watch, "two hours and make a fool out of myself by singing in front of you guys. I guess I did have it easier." I replied.
"Oh don't worry, we still have plans for you, baby bacca." Mitch said.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"Well, Jerome, at least they took your jersey off." I replied.
"Yeah, I guess that's one good thing. Guys, when are you gonna let me up? I've been here for two hours, I'm soaking wet, and I would like to go to sleep. It's almost midnight." Jerome asked.
"Nah, I think you can fall asleep right there." Ryan smirked.
Jerome groaned.
"Hey, Syd isn't complaining and she fell asleep on my shoulder." Lachlan replied.
Mitch turned back around and I could only see Mitch's back, the stool he was sitting on, and the ground. After a few minutes, I fell asleep again.

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