Ch. 4 : Go-Karting!

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Sydney's POV
We continued to FaceTime with Dad for a few minutes until he said he had to go. Jerome hung up and put his phone in his back pocket.
"I meant to ask you something. Did you actually prank me?" He asked with a smile.
I nodded hesitantly.
"Wow, just wow. Did you at least get a video of it?" He asked.
"Maybe." I replied.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He narrowed his eyes.
"Check your photos." I smirked.
He pulled out his phone and opened up his photos. He played the video. It showed me putting the whip cream on the plate then pushing the plate into his sleeping face. It also showed the aftermath as we chased each other around before Mitch caught me. At that point, I had shut off the video and thrown his phone onto the couch. Jerome laughed.
"I still can not believe you did that." He said through laughter.
"Biggums, you gotta post that." Mitch smiled.
"Oh I plan on it. After we introduce you to everyone. Come on." He pulled me over to the couch and sat me down between him and Lachlan.
"Oh wait, let's make you a channel first." Rob pulled out his laptop.
They made me a channel. My username was SydTheSquid. (A/N: Sorry if this is your username, I just made this up). Then, Mitch ran upstairs and grabbed a camera and a tripod to record this video. After he set it up, he hit record.
"Hi guys! It's Mitch or BajanCanadian here with Ryan, Vikk, Rob, Jerome, Lachlan, Preston, and Ian." Mitch did the intro.
"And we have some big news for all of you guys." Preston said.
"Now, you're probably wondering who this is." Lachlan pointed to me.
"This is Sydney. She's my younger sister. And she'll be living with us from now on." Jerome smiled proudly.
"Since she's gonna be living here, she IS going to be recording with us." Ian said.
"Her username is SydTheSquid so go check her out." Ryan stated.
"Say something." Jerome said while nudging me repeatedly.
"Okay, chill out Mr. Bacca. Hi, I'm Sydney Aceti. I'm Jerome's younger sister. I did make a YouTube channel so I will be recording with the guys in future videos. And, don't hate on them for this. If you don't like me, okay then, fine. Haters gonna hate but, life goes on. However, if you are a true fan, you would support the guys and I through all of this. Now, I know that none of you guys knew I existed but I do and I actually am Jerome's sister. If you think we're lying, we aren't." I said.
"Yep, so guys, go check out Baby Bacca at her channel. We will put a link in the description and yeah, I think that's it." Mitch said.
"So, Sydney is our new member like Mitch said in our previous video. We'll see you guys later. Bye!" Rob concluded.
Mitch shut off the recording.
"Well, now that we did that, can we do something fun?" Vikk asked.
"Anyone up for go-karting?" Ryan suggested.
Everyone said "Sure" or "Yeah".

-time skip to when we are at the go-karting place-

The go-karting place was really big, however, it was empty. One of the employees directed us over to the racetrack and had us line up oldest to youngest to figure out where we would start in the race. Of course, since I was the youngest, I had to go last. Here was the order:
1. Rob
2. Ian
3. Ryan
4. Mitch
5. Jerome
6. Preston
7. Vikk
8. Lachlan
9. Me
I climbed into my go-kart and put on my helmet. I buckled my seatbelt. Once we were all ready, the employee gave us a 3-2-1 countdown. When he shouted "GO!", I stomped on my gas pedal. We all raced up the straightaway and onto the first turn. Lachlan went a little too far to the side and I easily passed him. 1 guy down, 7 more to go! I thought. Vikk bumped into the back of Preston's car and they spun out a little. I passed them too. 5 guys left. After 9 more laps, I was now in second place, right behind Jerome. The person waved the checkered flag signaling that it was the last lap. I clenched my teeth and somehow managed to edge past Jerome on the final turn. We both sped up in the straightaway but, I was now a foot or two in front of him. We passed over the finish line. I WON!!!!! We pulled the cars into the pit area and stopped. I can't believe I won. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the kart. I took off my helmet and looked behind me at the guys. They were all getting out of their cars as well. Jerome came up to me.
"How the hell did you do that?" He asked, surprised.
Before I could say anything, Mitch, who was in third place, walked up to us.
"Well damn, baby bacca! Biggums, you just got owned by your baby sister." Mitch smirked.
"But, seriously, how did you do that?" Jerome asked.
"I dunno. I've never done this before. Beginner's luck maybe?" I shrugged.
"That's complete bullshit! You must be lying. There's no way you beat all of us." Ian said while joining in on the conversation.
"Yeah." Vikk, Ryan, Lachlan, Preston and Rob agreed as they walked towards us.
"Like I said, I've never done this before. I guess I just got lucky?" I shrugged.
"That's so bullshit." Preston said.
"Okay, that's it! The next person who curses in front of my baby sister will receive a punch in the face!" Jerome said angrily.
"Shit, fuck, damn." I said.
Jerome looked at me disapprovingly while the guys started laughing.
"Still gonna punch me in the face?" I asked while smiling evilly.
"Syd, don't test me. I was talking to the rest of you. To all of GUYS here, I  will punch the next person who curses in front of Syd. As for you," he pointed at me, "if you curse again I will, uh, um, I will figure out a way to punish you." He said.
"Ooh, I'm SO scared." I replied sarcastically.
Jerome just stared at me disapprovingly. Oh well, I could honestly care less if he was mad at me. Anyways, we raced around a few more times before we headed home. We all sat down on the couch and watched tv.

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